Friday, September 6, 2024

Cc is for construction


This week we will be looking and listening for the hard sound of Cc as we play construction and build!

This week's KDI is problem solving- children solve problems encountered in play. Building together means cooperating and working together. Each person does their part. We will work together and problem solve together!

Table Activities- This week we will build with blocks, play in a construction sensory bin, build with junk, play with construction vehicles in moon sand, pound golf tees and screw screws with a screwdriver, color construction coloring pages, use tool cookie cutters to paint/ print and play with some water tools.

Small Group- This week in small group will include using colored popsicle sticks to follow building plans, constructing with sugar cubes, adding Cc is for construction to our journals and constructing with various materials.

Large Group- We'll use those Tonka trucks in the sandbox and the mulch, build with card board and add on to our build each day outside.

Books of the Week- "Builders and Breakers" by Steve Light, "Diggersaurs" by Michael Whaite, we will also read a poem a day from the book "Digger Dozer Dumper" by Hope Vestergaard.

Bible Story- This week we will talk about a tricky story. Isaac, Abraham's son, married Rebekah. They had twin sons, Esau and Jacob. Esau was born first, therefore he was entitled to the greater blessing as an elder son. However, God had a different plan from that of man and he wanted Jacob to get the greater blessing. Jacob's family would be continuing the line of the coming Savior. As Jacob and Esau grew up, the differences between them were great. Esau was a hunter, he traveled to bring back wild game for his father. He was bold, impetuous. In fact, he once came back from a hunt to find Jacob making pottage. He said he was so hungry he would exchange his birthright for a bowl of pottage. Jacob agreed. Of course, Esau didn't remember saying that, but the Bible records it for us in Genesis 25:29-34. 

When Isaac grew older, he became blind. He was ready to bless his sons. He told Esau to go and hunt some wild game and prepare the meat the way he liked it and he would give him the blessing. Rebekah overheard and told Jacob to go kill a sheep. She prepared it for Isaac. She had Jacob put on Esau's clothes and take the fur from the sheep and tie it to his arms and neck. Jacob took the stew to Isaac and pretended to be Esau. Isaac commented that it sounded like Jacob, but smelled and felt like Esau. He than gave Jacob the greater blessing. When Esau returned and brought his father the stew, Isaac was confused. He had already given the blessing! He gave Esau a lesser blessing and Esau was furious! 

Jacob left that night to go to Rebekah's brother Laban. On the way there he stopped for the night and had a dream of angels going up and down a ladder to heaven. God was at the top of the ladder and was with Jacob. Jacob poured oil on that rock to remember God was with him, even as he ran.

God uses people to accomplish what He wants done. Jacob did believe in God. Esau eventually did not, he turned to idolatry. What Jacob did wasn't right, he and Rebekah should have trusted that God would make it happen. He had promised. 

Sometimes we are tempted to take a shortcut to accomplish what we think God would want. Trust Him, Love Him, Proclaim Him. God is still God! He will never leave us or forsake us!

A few pics from tree week-

The kids like to "camp" in the cubbies!

Great Lego builders!

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