Friday, September 13, 2024

Aa is for apples!


This week we are looking and listening for the letter Aa and talking about apples! Come along with us as we visit the orchard and try all sorts of different apples and apple products!

Our KDI for the week is a sense of competence- Children feel they are competent. From getting our shoes on ourselves, to writing our names and following the routine, we know what we are doing! Experimenting and trying new things also builds competence! Even though your child might ask for help, let them try themselves! My general rule is try as many times as you are old- so if you are three, you give it three good tries before I will help. Watch them try, and be amazed as they succeed!

Table Activities- This week our table activities include apple printing, mini apple orchard play, apple pie playdough, cutting apple shapes, sorting apple colors, exploding apples and apples in water.

Small Group Activities- This week we will explore apples and taste apples, add Aa is for apple to our journal and dissect apples.

Large Group Activities- We will collect apples in bushel baskets and stack apples up on top!

Books of the Week- "The Apple Pie Tree" by Zoe Hall, "Ten Apples Up On Top!" by Theo. LeSieg, and "The Apples on the Tree" by Steve Metzger.

Bible Story- This week our Bible Story is about Jacob's son, Joseph. Last week we heard about Jacob tricking his father, enraging his brother Esau and running to his uncle Laban. Now we continue the story with Jacob's family. Jacob had a very dysfunctional family, children with four different women, a dishonest father-in-law, feuding sister wives, very much like today's reality TV shows! God uses flawed people! He is a great and perfect God, the people in the Bible aren't! 

Jacob had a favorite son, Joseph. He elevated him to an overseer over his older brothers and often sent him out to check up on them to make sure they were doing their job watching over the flocks. Jacob also gifted him a colorful, heavily ornamented coat to mark his high position. To make matters more uncomfortable, Joseph was a dreamer. God had given Joseph some dreams that showed he was ruling over his brothers and even his mother and father. He told his family about the dreams. I don't know if he was bragging or not, but his brothers became jealous!

One day as Joseph was walking out to the fields to inspect his brothers work, they saw him coming because of his coat and they plotted to kill him. Some of the older brothers thought better of this and talked the other brothers into grabbing his coat and throwing him into a pit or cistern. So they took his coat, tore it up, dipped it in blood and made up a story of finding his coat and that he must have been killed by a wild animal. 

Meanwhile, some traders came by! They were headed to Egypt and the brothers thought this was a perfect money making opportunity! They took Joseph out of the pit and sold him into slavery.

They took his coat home and told Jacob that Joseph had been killed. Jacob mourned his son for a long time. 

Joseph becomes a slave in the household of Potiphar, a captain in the Pharaoh's guard. After being wrongfully accused, Joseph is then sent to prison. 

God has a plan!! Even when things seem darkest and most hopeless, God still is with us and holds us in His hands!

A few construction week pictures-

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