Friday, September 27, 2024

Bb is for ball.


This week we are looking and listening to the letter Bb and having fun with balls!

Our KDI of the week is Body Awareness- Children know about their bodies and how to navigate them in space. We will be working on bouncing, tossing and catching balls this week. We will give our bodies the opportunity to see how hard or soft to throw, how to coordinate our arms to catch and bounce. Lots of knowing our own bodies this week!

Table Activities- This week our table activities include marble track, wiffle balls with straws, cotton ball painting, marble painting, bowling, playing with "spaghetti and meatballs" and balancing balls on tees.

Small Group- This week in small group we are making balls out of Model Magic, adding Bb is for ball to our journal and working on ball handling.

Large Group-  This week we will work on our ball handling skills and play with balls in our parachute and in water!

Books of the Week- "Franklin Plays the Game" by Paulette Bourgeois and Brenda Clark, "Snail Saves the Day" by John Stadler, and "Froggy Plays T-ball" by Jonathan London.

Bible Story- This week our Bible story takes place hundreds of years after Joseph. Joseph moved his whole family into Egypt to keep them fed and safe during the famine. He saved thousands of lives through his storage plans. Now a Pharaoh is ruling who doesn't know or remember that knowledge and he sees Joseph's descendants as a threat! They don't worship or act like Egyptians and he enslaves them. Their numbers still grow and he feels even more threatened, so he comes up with a truly awful plan. When the Egyptian midwives attend Israelite women at the birth of their children, they are to throw the baby boys into the Nile River to be drowned. 

One Israelite mother, Jochebed, keeps her pregnancy a secret and gives birth only with family. She hides her baby boy and keeps him quiet as long as she can.  When she can no longer keep him hidden, she makes a basket boat, places her baby boy in it and sets it in the Nile River with his older sister Miriam watching. As the boat is carried by the current, it comes close to where the Egyptian princess is bathing with her maids. She hears crying coming from the basket and asks her maid to fetch it. When she looks at the baby, she decides to keep it! Miriam comes and asks her if she needs help feeding the baby and when the princess says yes, she runs to get her mother. The baby is named Moses, which means drawn from the water. Moses' own mother was his wet nurse and she keeps and takes care of Moses until he was about 5 years old. Then Moses goes to live in the palace with his adopted mother.

God keeps Moses safe and also gives him the experiences he needs to lead his people out of slavery in Egypt. God is preparing him, just like God prepares us through his Word and our circumstances to live for Him in this world!

Pictures from reptile week!

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