Friday, September 20, 2024

Rr is for reptiles!


This week we are listening and looking for the letter Rr and learning about reptiles! We are going to have a new reptile pet and have a reptile visitor!

Our KDI for the week is classifying- children classify materials, actions, people and events. We will look this week on what makes a reptile. What do reptiles have in common with birds, with mammals? How are they different?

Table Activities- This week our table activities include a bubbling alligator swamp, reptile play, reptile coloring pages, making a bead snake, playing with snakes in jello and reptile pattern blocks.

Small Group Activities- This week our small group activities include decorating and cutting a paper plate snake, adding Rr is for reptile to our journal and making a turtle with a mosaic shell.

Large Group Activities- We will move like reptiles and play with our reptiles in water play outside.

Books of the Week- "Where's That Reptile?" by Barbara Bremmer and Bernice Chardiet, "The Foolish Tortoise" and "The Greedy Python" both written by Richard Buckley and illustrated by Eric Carle.

Bible Story- This week we get to see how God used for good Joseph's life! Last week we left Joseph in jail. He was put there because Potiphar's wife told lies about him. While he was in jail, he was a model prisoner. He worked hard and managed people so well that the prison leadership gave him a role! 

Two prisoners who had worked for Pharaoh came to Joseph to have him interpret some dreams that they had. The cupbearer for Pharaoh told Joseph his dream that he squeezed some grapes for Pharaoh into a cup and Pharaoh drank it. Joseph told him that his dream meant he would be released from prison and regain his position in Pharaoh's household. Pharaoh's baker told Joseph that he had a dream that he was carrying three baskets full of bread on his head. As he was walking, birds came and ate the bread out of his baskets. Joseph told him that he dream meant he was to be put to death by Pharaoh.

Joseph asked the cupbearer to tell Pharaoh about him and hopefully he would be released from prison, but he forgot!

Later, Pharaoh had some strange dreams and woke his entire household up! When this happened, the cupbearer finally remembered Joseph. He told Pharaoh about him and Pharaoh had him brought from prison. Pharaoh expected Joseph not only to tell what his dreams meant, but he tested him and God by asking Joseph to tell him his dreams!

Joseph prayed and the Lord revealed Pharaoh's dreams to him. Pharaoh had dreamed about 7 fat cows grazing by the Nile River, 7 skinny cows came out of the Nile and ate the 7 fat cows, but didn't get any fatter. Then he had a dream about 7 fat heads of grain who were eaten by 7 skinny heads of grain, but didn't get any fatter. Joseph said the meaning of the dreams was that Egypt would experience 7 years of plenty, good rain, good crops, a lot of food. Then Egypt would experience 7 years of famine, no rain, no crops. He suggested to Pharaoh that he should get someone to help store up grain and food during the years of plenty so Egypt would make it through the years of plenty!

Pharaoh thought Joseph was the man for the job! He had his shackles removed and replaced them with a gold ring and necklace. Joseph went from being a prisoner to being second in command of all Egypt!

After the 7 years of plenty, the famine came and not just in Egypt! Joseph's home was without food as well. Joseph's brothers heard about food available for purchase in Egypt and they convinced their father, Jacob, to let them travel there. When they arrived, they had to bow down to Joseph, just like in his dream! They didn't recognize Joseph, but he recognized them. He decided to test them. He took Simeon and put him in prison with instructions that the next time they came, they were to bring their youngest brother, Benjamin. 

Jacob wasn't so sure! He had already lost Joseph (he thought). But he was finally convinced. The brothers came with Benjamin the next time. Joseph had them taken to his home and seated in order of age. He had his servants give them a meal and serve Benjamin more than the rest to test his brothers and see if they were jealous of him. They were not! Time and God had changed their hearts. He finally revealed himself to them after a few more tests! They were scared, Joseph was certainly in a position to take revenge. Joseph told them that God had sent him to Egypt to save many lives! God worked it out for good! 

Eventually, all of Joseph's brothers and his father moved to Egypt to live!

God worked it out for all of their good! How long did it take? 22 years! I often feel like I'm waiting for God to make something good of bad in my life and I have to wait a few months or a year! Joseph trusted for 22 years, Noah trusted for 100 years as he built the ark! God works in His time, not ours, and He always has something better for us!

Pictures from our apple week!


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