Saturday, December 23, 2023

What do we do after Christmas?


This week we will talk about what happens after Christmas, taking down decorations, writing thank yous, remembering our favorite times of the holidays!

No KDI for this short week!

Table Activities- This week we can write thank you cards, undecorate little table trees, rip up leftover wrapping paper, and undecorate our classroom.

Small Group Activities- This week we will journal our favorite gift and do an experiment with leftover candy canes.

Large Group Activities- Wrapping paper toss and stretches that imitate taking down lights and ornaments and walking up and down the stairs as we put away!

Books of the Week- "Peter Spiers Christmas" and "The After Christmas Tree" by Bethan Welby.

Bible Story- We will once again review the Christmas story, you can't hear it too much!! We will pay close attention to all the people involved and get ready to hear about the wise men next week!