Thursday, October 3, 2024

Clean Up! Clean Up!

We are learning about cleaning up this week, our classroom and beyond. We have a short week, so we aren't concentrating on a letter and its sound. But we are concentrating on our KDI concept.

Our KDI for the week is ecology- children understand the importance of taking care of their environment. As Christians, this can take on a special meaning. God gives us our environment and the world for our use and He appoints us stewards or caretakers of His creation. What a gift He has given us and we should treat it responsibly!

Table Activities- This week we will clean up an "oil spill", sort trash and recycling, and wash our toys.

Small Group- We will help clean up our yard and our area and make recycled paper.

Large Group- We will be outside and pick up garbage.

Books of the Week- "Oil Spill" by Melvin Berger and "I Stink" by Jim and Kate McMullan.

Bible Story- This week we hear about what happened when Moses grew up. He was torn between being Egyptian and being an Israelite. He got into trouble in Egypt and he ran into the wilderness where he was taken in by a shepherd named Jethro. He became a shepherd also and married one of Jethro's daughters. When he was about 80, he was in the wilderness with his sheep and he saw a bush on fire. He went to investigate and God spoke to him from the bush and put him in charge of leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Though reluctant, Moses went.

When he came to Egypt, Pharaoh refused to let them go! God sent 10 plagues, each targeting the Egyptians and some of their false gods. First plague- turned water into blood, second plague- frogs everywhere, third plague- gnats, fourth plague-flies, fifth plague- animal sickness, sixth plague-boils, seventh plague-hail destroyed crops and homes, eighth plague- swarms of locusts, ninth plague- darkness everywhere but Goshen where the Israelites live and tenth plague- death of the firstborn in homes without the blood on the doorposts and lintels. 

Finally Pharaoh lets them go! Even then he changes his mind and the Israelites are trapped between Pharaoh's army and the Red Sea. God miraculously parts the sea for the Israelites to get across and then washes Pharaoh's army away!

What miracles! What amazing expressions of God's love! We won't tell all the stories, but maybe you know what happens next- the Israelites get to Canaan, the promised land and groan and complain that God is not strong enough to help them enter, so they wander in the desert for 40 long years and only Joshua and Caleb, the spies who trusted in God entered the promised land. Everyone else perished in the wilderness.  How often are we left wandering because we don't trust God, the one and only true God, who has given His life for us??!!  Keep reminding yourself and your children how much God loves you and how great and powerful He is!!

Pictures from "ball" week-

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