Thursday, August 29, 2024

Tt is for trees.


This week we are looking and listening for the letter Tt and examining trees and their parts. Trees are all around us and provide many of the things we need! Let's hear it for the God created gift of trees!!

Our KDI of the week is observation- Children observe the materials and processes in their environment. We will look at the leaves of the tree, it's bark and examine the inside of a tree too!

Table Activities- Our table activities this week include a leaf sensory bin, leaf rubbings, button trees, leaf matching, creating with leaves and leaf and tree coloring pages.

Small Group- This week we will make a ripped paper tree, a nature collage and add Tt is for tree to our journal.

Large Group- We will have the opportunity to explore all the parts of trees, the branches, leaves, trunks and stumps, we will do a bark rubbing and a leaf pounding to make that chlorophyll burst out of its cells!

Books of the Week- "A Busy Year" by Leo Lionni and "Leaf Man" by Lois Ehlert.

Bible Story- This week we skip ahead many years. Noah and his family began the repopulation of the earth and people began to spread far and wide after the Tower of Babel. Abraham and his family lived in a place called Ur. (thought to be in southern Iraq today). God called Abram to be the father of his chosen people, not because Abraham was special or deserving in any way, but because God had a plan!! So God instructed Abraham to take his wife Sarah and his belongs and move away from home. Abraham also brought his nephew Lot with him because he had no children yet. 

Abraham obeyed God and moved where God lead him. Once he was there, God made a promise to him that he would be the father of many nations. Abraham was 90 years old and had no children. His wife, Sarah was 80. God promised them that they would have a child. Sarah thought that was so unbelievable that she laughed! But God kept his promise! When Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90, they had a baby boy and his name was Isaac, which means "laughter". God's promises do come true, no matter how ridiculous they may seem.

God made Abraham the father of many nations in two ways- he was the beginning of the Hebrew people through which Jesus, the Savior, would come and he is the father of all those who stand firm to the promises of God! Those who believe in Jesus and his saving life and innocent death on the cross that paid for all our sins! We are children of Abraham and that family spans all time, people and nations! Cling fast to God's promises!!

Photos of Superhero week (including some superhero poses for our journals!)

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