Thursday, August 22, 2024

Ss is for superhero!


This week we are listening and looking for the letter Ss and having fun reading about and pretending to be superheroes!!

Our KDI of the week is emotion- Children recognize, label and regulate their feelings. We will read a book called "Even Superheroes Have Bad Days" by Shelly Becker which talks about how superheroes could really be destructive if they didn't control how they acted when they were mad or sad or frustrated. We can have feelings, it's how we control them that matters! Regulating feelings is a big part of preschool growth!

Table Activities-  This week our table activities include superhero sensory bin, sticker scenes, making superhero cuffs, Hulk slime, superhero clay mats, superhero puzzles and memory game, and making a popsicle superhero.

Small Group Activities- We will be making our own superhero getup with masks and capes this week along with a superhero frisbee to help us fight crime! We will also add Ss is for superhero to our journal.

Large Group Activities- We'll try our superpowers on an obstacle course, run to the rescue, leap over some cardboard buildings with a single bound and knock over some cup towers with our frisbees!

Books of the Week- "Even Superheroes Have Bad Days" by Shelly Becker, "Superdog: The Heart of a Champion" by Caralyn Buehner, "There's a Superhero is Your Book" by Tom Fletcher.

Bible Story- This week we are listening to the account of Noah and the flood. After Adam and Eve were created, they lived for a time in the garden. God gave them the opportunity to worship Him by obeying the rules He set which were to not eat of the two trees in the center of the garden. They were tempted by the devil and sinned. Things in humanity just continued to snowball and get worse and worse until there were many people, but only one family who continued to believe and trust in God. That family was Noah and his wife and his three sons and their wives. 

God came to Noah and told him to build an ark- a huge boat. On this boat God would keep Noah and his family safe along with at least two of every type of animal. God gave Noah specific instructions and it took him about 100 years to build the ark. People mocked Noah, but Noah didn't give up, he trusted in God and his promise!

After the ark was built, God sent the animals to Noah and they were stowed on the ark. Noah and his family entered and God closed them in. Then it began to rain! It rained for 40 days and nights. Water covered the earth and every living thing drowned. God kept Noah and his family safe. As the water receded, the ark came to rest on top of a mountain. Winds came to dry up the water and finally after over 300 days, the ark was opened and the animals and Noah's family came out. One of the first things Noah did was build and altar and sacrifice to praise and thank God for keeping them safe.

God placed a rainbow in the sky as a sign of His promise that he would never again destroy the world in that way. Every time we see the rainbow, we can remember the surety of all God's promises- He will never leave us, He will take us to be with Him forever in heaven. 

Blessings on your week!

Some pictures from mud week-

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