Thursday, August 15, 2024

Welcome to Mud week in preschool!


This week we will listen and look for the letter Mm and play with mud!

Our KDI or Key Development Indicator this week is initiative- Children demonstrate initiative as they explore their world. This week for many students, everything is new! They will get to choose what to play, how they play, who they play with. They are practicing many skills, physical, emotional and social skills. They are planning the immediate future and putting those executive function skills to use!

Table Activities- This week we will have dirt blocks to play with, swamp play, "mud" playdough, a nature sensory bin, mud slime and dramatic play with "stone soup".

Small Group- This week we will get messy with fingerpainting, add Mm is for mud to our journal and make mud pies.

Large Group- We will play with mud outside and do a creepy crawly scavenger hunt.

Books of the Week- "Mud" by Mary Lyn Ray and "Harry the Dirty Dog" by Gene Zion.

Bible Story- This week our Bible story is the story of creation! We will learn about how God created the world and everything in it in just 6 days and with just saying it into being. The world was formless and void, empty and God said, "Let there be light!" and there was light! That was day one. On day two, God created the separation between the water and the water above became sky. On day three, God separated the water from the land and caused plants to grow on the dry land! On day four, God created the sun, moon and stars. On day five, God created the fish and ocean creatures and the birds and things that fly. On day six, God created the animals that live on the land and human beings. On days one through five, at the end of each day, God said, "It is good." At the end of day six, God said, "It is very good." God's creation of human beings was special. God actually formed man and breathed life into him and called him Adam and then after giving Adam the job of naming all the animals, God created Eve from Adam. Adam and Eve were meant to live in perfect harmony with God, their creator. They walked and talked with Him each day. Unfortunately, it didn't last. Adam and Eve were tempted by another one of God's creations who had fallen away, the devil or Satan. God loved Adam and Eve and did not want them to spend eternity away from Him, so He promised to send his Son to redeem them.

Each Bible story we hear this year will connect to that promise to Adam and Eve, because it is a promise to us also. Jesus promises, "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you!" Hebrews 13:5.

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