Friday, May 17, 2024

Art Appreciation


Our last couple of days of preschool will be filled with making our own art creations with different mediums!

Our last KDI we will cover this year is appreciating the arts- children appreciate creative arts. We will look at some famous paintings and hear about artists and being an artist and try our own hand at it!

Table Activities- Watercolors, clay, pastels, sculpture and mixed media will all be available to create with at our preschool art studio!

Small Group- We will paint with acrylic paints on canvas and use markers to replicate abstract art in the style of Modrian.

Large Group- We will use chalk and paint outside to create in a plein air environment.

Books of the Week- "If You Are an Artist" by Meg Auchenbach and "Katie and the Starry Night" by James Mayhew are our books this week.

Bible Story- This week our Bible Story takes us to a hill outside Jerusalem where Jesus addresses His disciples for one last time here on earth. After spending 40 days after His resurrection, Jesus meets with his followers and instructs and encourages them. As they are standing on the hill, Jesus tells his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing and teaching them everything that Jesus had taught his disciples. He encouraged them and reassured them that he would be with them until the end of the age. He gave them instructions to wait in Jerusalem to receive the Holy Spirit who would give them boldness and courage to share Jesus word! As He was blessing them, He began to ascend into the air. The disciples stood there, watching Him go until He was hidden by the clouds. When the disciples were still standing there, two men in white were among them and they asked, "Why are you standing staring up at the clouds? This same Jesus who ascended will return to earth in the same way!" 

Jesus gave the disciples everything they needed to do the task set before them. Sometimes we feel unprepared, but if God gives you a task to do, He gives you what you need to do it! And He is with us while we are doing it! We are never alone. Praying that as you enjoy your summer break, you stay connected to the one who keeps you prepared, Jesus!! Devotions, Bible reading, church, Vacation Bible School are all great ways to keep connected to Jesus!

Some zinnia week pics! Come visit our preschool garden to see how the zinnias grow this summer!

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