Friday, May 3, 2024

Yy is for you!


This week we are listening and looking for the letter Yy and thinking of who we each are- Who Are You?

Our KDI of the week is self-identity- Children have a positive self -identity. As children of God, we are precious in his sight! We also don't loose the realization that we are precious because of what God has done for us and in us! We start out sinners, but God gave his Son, Jesus for us and makes us his children!! We also look at everyone else as someone Jesus loved enough to die for! This week we will look at all those different aspects of Who Are You?

Table Activities- Some of the table activities offered this week are mirrors made with foil, making and investigating our unique fingerprints, coloring with people shaped crayons, making sticky paper faces, playing with potato heads, stamping our names, decorating foam body shapes and clay mat people.

Small Group- This week we are making our faces, making our bodies, adding Yy is for you to our journal and making a cookie of ourselves :)

Large Group- This week we will dance with each other like a mirror, identify and move our body parts in song, make chalk outlines of ourselves and dance to music with all of ourselves!

Books of the Week- "Still a Gorilla" by Kim Norman, "One World, One Day" by Barbara Kerley, "I Don't Want to Be BIG" by Devorah Petty.

Bible Story- This week we finally move on from Easter Day! All our stories from the women going to the tomb, Mary Magdelene seeing Jesus, the disciples on their way to Emmaus and the disciples seeing Jesus in the locked room took place on Sunday! 

When Jesus appeared to the disciples in the locked room, one disciple was missing. Thomas. Thomas' name means twin, so perhaps he was updating his twin on all that happened, especially if he was identical, he could be in danger of arrest. When Thomas returned, he didn't believe what the other disciples told him. He doubted, hence the nickname Doubting Thomas. He said, "Unless I put my fingers in the holes made by the nails and put my hand in his side where the spear pierced it, I won't believe." He thought they wanted it to be true that Jesus was alive, but it just wasn't reasonable! 

The following Sunday all the disciples, including Thomas were again in the locked room. Jesus appeared among them and said, "Peace be with you!" and then he singled out Thomas and told him to come and put his fingers in the holes and his hand in his side, to stop doubting and believe. Thomas immediately fell to his knees and proclaimed, "My Lord and My God!"  Jesus told him that he was blessed because he believed, but even more blessed are those who have not seen, but still believe!

That's us!! We haven't seen Jesus in the flesh, only in the Word of God. But the Holy Spirit has worked faith in our hearts to believe that Jesus is our Savior. A man crucified over 2000 years ago, alive again is our Savior. And by believing in Him we have eternal life! Sounds unreasonable, doesn't it? But I still believe and still share that He is the Savior of the world and loves and wants all of the world to be saved. Give the Holy Spirit the opportunity to work by sharing God's Word with those you love!

Pictures from Bug Week!

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