Thursday, February 20, 2025

1, 2, 3, Count after me


This week we are counting and connecting number symbols with amounts. We will count and look at numbers all week!

Our KDI for the week is number words and symbols- children recognize and use number words and symbols. We will work on putting these two concepts together with amounts.

Table Activities- This week our table activities will include washing numbers, numbers on clay mats, number sticky paper, number cookie cutters and playdough,  number coloring pages, number stickers and stamps, number puzzles and a number sensory bin.

Small Group Activities- Our small group activities this week are making a number caterpillar, matching the number to the symbols, practicing writing numbers in our journal and matching the symbols to the amount.

Large Group Activities- We plan on playing hopscotch, writing numbers with sidewalk chalk and finding hidden numbers outside.

Books of the Week- "Ten Black Dots" by Donald Crews and "Mouse Count" by Ellen Stoll Walsh.

Bible Story- This week our Bible story is another wonderful miracle that Jesus performed. In Jesus day, the disease of leprosy was a horrible condition. People had to leave their family and be part of a colony of other lepers and they were ostracized from the rest of society. Jesus had a reputation for healing that had even reached the ears of the leper colony. Ten men set out and called to Jesus from a distance calling out, "Jesus, Master, have pity on us!" Jesus told them to go and show themselves to the priest. The priest was the one who could declare a person clean and able to go home to their family.

As they were running to the priest, one man looked down and saw himself healed. He stopped, turned around, ran back to Jesus and fell at his feet in gratitude! He was a Samaritan, someone who the religious leaders of the day thought were not equal to the Jews. He is the one who came back to thank Jesus. Jesus asked him, "Were there not 10 men? Where are the other 9?" Jesus told him that his faith had made him whole!

This is amazing- Jesus heals people who don't even come back to thank him! But how blessed the man was who did come back to say thank you! He got to touch Jesus feet, no longer a leper, but totally healed! 

Thank you is important! I strongly encourage you to instill saying thank you no matter what the gift is in your child. I was somewhat disappointed by many reactions as Valentine's candy was passed out this last week- things like, "That's not my favorite!" "I don't want that." "I want a different color." Only two words are necessary whenever you receive a gift- THANK YOU! That is all that is essential. No complaining, no jealousy, no comparison. It must be modeled and practiced. We are going to keep practicing it at school, some students are great examples, others not so much. Please practice and insist on it at home. Help your child learn to be grateful for whatever they receive. Practice giving a gift, it can be as small as a piece of candy or a single M&M, they don't get to choose a color or ask for a different color, just offer, they say thank you and done. When they give you a gift, say thank you too! If they struggle, it is okay to mirror back to them how they receive a gift, especially if it is in an unappreciative way and then have a conversation about how they felt when you responded they way they do. As Christians, good manners and gratitude are a wonderful way to let our light shine and be content in all situations!

Some pictures from our short week-

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