Friday, January 31, 2025

Dd is for dinosaurs!


This week we are listening and looking for the letter Dd as we have fun with dinosaurs!

Our KDI of the week is drawing conclusions- children draw conclusions based on their experiences and observations. We will look at what we know and don't know about dinosaurs and use the evidence to draw conclusions and make hypotheses.

Table Activities-  This week our table activities include playing with dinosaur models, dinosaur sensory bins, making fossils in playdough, invite to create a paper dino, dinosaur stamping, dino coloring pages, melting dinosaurs out of ice and dinosaur cookie cutter painting.

Small Group Activities- In small group this week we will erupt around dinosaurs with baking soda and vinegar "lava", make a fossil with model magic, chisel a fossil out of "rock" and add Dd is for dinosaur to our journal.

Large Group Activities-  We will take turns on a special rideable dino, move to dino action dice and do some dinosaur action songs.

Books of the Week- Our books of the week are "Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" by Byron Barton and "Stomp, Dinosaur, Stomp" by Margaret Mayo.

Our Bible Story this week tells of the miracle of Jesus calming the storm. Jesus and his disciples had had a very long day. They decide to cross the Sea of Galilee. His disciples were experienced fishermen, this wasn't unusual for them to do. As they began their journey, Jesus took a pillow, went to the back of the boat and fell asleep. While Jesus was sleeping, a storm suddenly came up. The disciples were working furiously to keep the boat upright and Jesus slept through it all. Finally, a disciple woke Jesus up with these words- "Don't you care that we are about to die?" He got up and with three words- "Quiet! Be still!" the seas were calm! Then he turned to the disciples and said, "Is your faith really so small? Why were you so afraid?"  The disciples were amazed and terrified- even the winds and rains obeyed this man!

The disciples had seen Jesus work in person, the healings, the fish, the changing of water to wine. They had heard his preaching and the Holy Spirit had worked faith in their hearts and yet, they doubted. It's no surprise that we doubt, but God holds us and saves us even in those moments when we aren't quite sure that he knows what he's doing! He will calm the storms of our lives just as miraculously! Put your trust in Him!

Pics from Mo Willems week-


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