Friday, April 21, 2023

Yy is for yarn.


This week we will listen and look for the sound and shape of Yy as we play and make art with yarn.

Our KDI for the week is reflection- Children reflect on their experiences. Our book this week, "Extra Yarn" talks about a girl who lives in a very colorless world, but finds a box of magic yarn and she brings color to everyone's life. We'll think about what we would do with that box of yarn. We'll try to remember this past school year and what our favorite week was. Reflection is a great practice to have around the dinner table, what made you laugh today, what made you sad, etc. Take time to think and talk each day!

Table Activities- This week we will wrap a lot of yarn, around table and chair legs, popsicle stick characters, sticks, we will cut yarn, make faces with yarn on sticky paper, decorate our own magical yarn box, color Extra Yarn pictures and glue yarn to different canvases- paper towel tubes, egg cartons, paper, cardboard, felt.

Small Group- This week we will do a two step process art project of gluing yarn to watercolor paper and then the next day painting with watercolors in the spaces left by the yarn, we will add Yy is for yarn to our journal and paint with yarn.

Large Group- We will follow a yarn trail, cut yarn in small pieces for birds to use in their nests.

Books of the Week- "Extra Yarn" by Mac Barnett and "Charlie Needs a Cloak" by Tomie dePaola.

Bible Story- Our story this week happens on Easter Sunday. Mary had seen Jesus in the garden near his tomb. The disciples hadn't seen Jesus yet and they were still in fear of the Jews coming after them. Some of them were hiding in a locked room in Jerusalem. Some other disciples decided to walk to Emmaus, a village about 7 miles outside of Jerusalem. As they were walking, they were talking about all the events that had happened that week. Jesus' arrest, death and supposed resurrection were confusing to them. As they were walking, another man came alongside them and asked what they were talking about. They were surprised he hadn't heard about the events, so they shared their thoughts with him. As they walked, he showed them step by step through the Old Testament why the Messiah had to go through all the things that Jesus went through. When they reached Emmaus, the man who had joined them acted as if he were traveling on. The two men invited him in to share their evening meal. When he took the bread and blessed it, their eyes were open and they realized they had been talking to Jesus this whole time! Then Jesus was gone! They ran back to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples that they had seen the Lord! While they were still telling the other disciples about it, Jesus appeared in their midst! At first they were frightened, but Jesus showed them he was not a ghost and told them, "Peace be with you!" 

Jesus is ever the gentle teacher! He shows us himself through the Bible and creates faith in our hearts through his Word! Sometimes some students will tell of cousins or friends who don't believe in Jesus or don't think Jesus is real. Just keep loving them and sharing God's Word with them as best you can, God will take care of the rest. Jesus strengthens our faith every time we read His Word, share it with your children through  Bible stories and devotions every day. We need to keep our faith strong! We eat every day to keep our body strong, how much more important to keep our faith strong! Imagine not giving your child anything to eat for a day, even skipping a meal. Unheard of, right!? Don't skip a day of God's Word to nourish our faith, even a meal! Pray, read devotions, a single Bible verse, keeping them strong against the temptations of the world to prepare them for the world to come!

Great pics of grandparents day and other class fun!

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