Friday, April 7, 2023

Uu is for upside down!


This week we are looking and listening for the letter Uu and having fun upside down! Being upside down helps with regulation for kiddos, it increases blood flow, oxygen, and nutrients to the brain. Some kids don't like the sense of it, they are disoriented by it. We never force any one to be upside down, but there are benefits! And even though, they may be resistant, there are ways to help them do it that aren't so scary, like looking between their legs.

The KDI of the week is comprehension-children understand language. As we read through our books and learn more and more to follow multi-step directions, children will hopefully understand through our language and learn what language is appropriate.

Table Activities- Our table activities this week include coloring on upside down tables, putting rubber bands on upside down chairs, stacking upside down cups, placing orbeez one by one on upside down suction cup bath stickees, turning sensory bottles upside down and back, upside down beading, dumping cups upside down in water play, investigating other things upside down. 

Small Group Activities- This week we will be drawing upside down, making a picture of ourselves upside down, adding Uu is for upside down in our journal, adding baby birds and Stellaluna upside down to our picture.

Large Group Activities- Upside down play and turning things upside down.

Books of the Week- "Silly Sally" by Audrey Wood and "Stellaluna" by Janell Cannon are our books this week.

Bible Story- Our story this week shares the wonderful ending of our Easter story. Jesus died on Good Friday. A man named Joseph of Arimathea and a Pharisee named Nicodemus take Jesus body and bury it in a new tomb. They rush through their preparation of the body because they needed to finish before the Passover sabbath began. The women who had followed Jesus to the cross watched and made the decision to return early Sunday morning to properly prepare and take care of Jesus body. 

Early that Sunday morning, the women gathered together with their spices and walked to the tomb. As they walked, they had the conversation about how they were going to get the stone rolled away from the entrance of the tomb. When they arrived, the stone was already rolled away and Jesus body was gone! Mary Magdalene was panicked and ran back to tell the disciples that someone had taken Jesus' body. The other women continued to the tomb, looked inside and saw an angel! The angel told them, "Don't be afraid! Jesus isn't here, he is risen, just as he said!" "Go and tell his disciples!" 

The women also went to tell the disciples! Meanwhile, Mary Magdalene returned to the garden where the grave was, distraught. She saw two angels sitting in the grave. They asked why she was crying. She replied that they had taken her Lord away. As she turned around, she saw a man who she thought was a gardener. He asked her why she was crying. She replied the same, "They have taken my Lord away, tell me where they have put him!" He said, "Mary." And she knew- it was Jesus! She was filled with joy! Jesus told her to go tell his disciples that she had seen him! And she did!

What joy! Jesus is alive and lives today! We look forward to hearing him say our name when we reach eternity with him- He went to prepare a place for us and I can't wait to go! Carry the Easter joy with you everyday!

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