Sunday, September 27, 2020

Tt is for tools.


This week we are listening for the Tt sound and playing and working with tools.

KDI of the week is - Fine Motor Skills: Children demonstrate dexterity and hand-eye coordination in using their small muscles.

Table Activities- This week  we are using little fingers to thread nuts onto bolts, construct with cups and craft sticks, color tool coloring pages, using tools and playdoh together, making level constructions and using levels to check, playing with little construction vehicles and gravel, painting with tools and decorating and making our own paper tool belt.

Jesus Time- This week we are learning about Abraham's grandson, Jacob. Jacob was a twin brother to Esau. Last week we talked about the meaning of names, since Isaac was given his name since his mother, Sarah, laughed when she found out she was having a baby at 90! Isaac means laughter. Esau means red and ruddy and Jacob means heel grabber or trickster. God had made a promise that Jacob would get the blessing from Isaac that was usually reserved for the oldest son. Esau was older, if only by a few minutes and he should have gotten the blessing, but God had a different plan. He wasn't going to leave Esau without blessings, it just wasn't the blessing that the Savior was coming through his family. Jacob and his mother Rebekah knew that the blessing was to be his. Isaac was getting older and Esau was his favorite son. He was not intending to do what God had told him. He told Esau to go and hunt and make him his favorite spicy stew and then he would bless him. When Rebekah overheard, she conspired with Jacob to trick old, blind Isaac. Jacob went and killed a goat (since he was a shepherd) and he made a spicy stew to trick Isaac. His mother instructed him to dress in Esau's clothing and take the skin from the goat and tie it to his arms and put it in the chest of his clothes, that way he would smell and feel like Esau. Jacob went and gave his father the stew and pretended to be Esau. He received the blessing. When Esau returned and came to his father, Isaac was confused, hadn't Esau already come? When Esau found out that Jacob had tricked his father into giving him the blessing, he was angry enough to kill Jacob and Jacob ran away. All the wrong things that happened in this family make us go, why did God choose them to bring his Savior to the world? Wasn't there a better family? It brings home the point that it is not about what we do, but it is about a God who loves and uses us in spite of who we are and what we do, as long as we believe! Continue to have faith in a God who is more faithful to us then we could ever be to Him!

Small Group-  This week we are using tools- scissors to pratice cutting different materials, pounding in tees into styrofoam with rubber mallets, screwing screws into styrofoam with screwdrivers and adding Tt is for tools to our journals!

Large Group- We are playing with our tools outside, singing a Construction Worker Song, singing Johnny pounds with one hammer and finally building outside with our styrofoam and tools.

Books of the Week- "Tool School" by Joan Holub, "Alphabet Under Construction" by Denise Fleming and "I Love Tools" by Philemon Sturges.

Have a great week under construction!!

I will be sending more Scholastic Book Orders home next week. The orders from the last one should be coming this week! 

And a reminder- only 2 days of school next week! We will be doing some professional development as a staff! So you get time off while we go to school :)

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