Sunday, September 13, 2020

Ss is for super senses!

Human Sense Organs | Learn about five Senses - YouTube

This week we will intentionally use our 5 senses!! We will look, listen, taste, touch and smell! 

Our Key Development Indicator for the week is Observation: Children observe the materials and processes in their environment.- We will use all our senses to observe.

Table Activities for the week are feeling warm and cold water, different block building, scented playdoh, feather and stones sensory, color with crayons on plain paper and sand paper, smelly painting, drawing with scentsy markers and finding jingle bells with magnets and listening for their sound.

Jesus Time- This week we are hearing the story of the flood. Adam and Eve lived in the garden God created for them for a time. He asked them to show their love by not eating from the trees in the middle of the garden- The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and The Tree of Life. Adam and Eve fell into temptation when the devil came in the form of a serpent to tempt them. They were cast out of the garden and in one short generation, their son committed murder. Things got worse from there! People did whatever they felt like and fell farther and farther away from God. Finally, there was only one family who still believes in God. That man's name was Noah. God came to Noah and instructed him to build an ark. It took Noah many years to build an ark. People came to watch and mock Noah. There were no rivers nearby to float it on. Crazy Noah!! What was he doing? He tried to tell people to turn back to God and repent, no one listened. When the ark was finished, God sent at least two of every animal to Noah to put into the ark. Noah and his wife and his sons and their wives packed up food and bedding for the animals. God told Noah and his family to enter the ark and he closed the door. And it began to rain! And rain and rain! It rained for 40 days and 40 nights. The water covered the entire earth, mountains, deserts, valleys and hills! It was only water as far as the eye can see! Every living thing on the earth drowned. The water remained on the earth for 150 days. Finally the ark came to rest on the top of a mountain and Noah let out a raven and a dove to see if the water had gone down enough for them to leave the ark. Finally God told Noah that it was time to leave the ark. Noah and his family came out, along with all the animals! The first thing Noah does is build an altar and thank God for seeing them safely through the flood. God placed a rainbow in the sky as a sign of the promise that he would never destroy the earth by a flood again. Every time we see a rainbow, we can remember that God always keeps his promises!

Small Group- This week we are making a texture collage, tasting sweet,salty, spicy and sour, feeling different materials and using our senses to describe them and adding Ss is for senses to our journal.

Large Group- This week in we are using our senses and describing words in freeze tell, breathing deep and smelling, a listening scavenger hunt and finding "kryptonite" with our sense of sight!

Books of the Week-"I Hear a Pickle (and Smell, See, Touch, and Taste It, Too!) by Rachel Isadora and "My Five Senses" by Margaret Miller.

Have a great week!!


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