Sunday, September 20, 2020

Aa is for apple!


Aa is for apple is our theme this week! We would usually be taking a field trip to an apple orchard, but we'll have our own pretend field trip at school!

Table Activities:  This week we are doing apple printing, an apple sensory bin, "bobbing" for apples with water and tongs, apple pie playdoh play, apple tree stem experiment, gluing ten apples up on top, sorting by color on apple trees with fruit loops and experimenting with exploding apples (vinegar and baking soda).

KDI- Drawing Conclusions- Children draw conclusions based on their experiences and observations. We will look at the differences and similarities between apples and other fruits and formulate our ideas about apples!

Jesus Time- This week we leap ahead in time and find Abraham. Abraham is asked to leave his home and settle in a place that God directs him to. Once he is there, God promises to make him a great nation and use his family to help provide the Savior to the world. Abraham was 90 years old and his wife, Sarah, was 80 and they had no children. Abraham could look at what his life was so far and doubt what God had promised, but he believed! God took Abraham out and had him look at the stars in the sky and promised him that he would have as many children as there are stars in the sky. Abraham did have a son named Isaac. Isaac had twin sons named Jacob and Esau. We will see how God kept his promise to Abraham. He did become the physical ancestor of many people, but he also is our father in faith because of his belief in a coming Savior. We share in his family because we believe in the Savior too!

Small Group- This week we are looking very closely at apples. We will dissect an apple and look at the skin, flesh, seeds and core, the stem and where the apple blossom used to be. We will compare apples to each other, how do they look and taste, add an Aa is for apple page to our journal and make a rip art apple tree. On Wednesday, we will have our apple "field trip". We will have some hay bales for kids to play on and a Little Tykes wagon ride to go out and pick apples out of a bushel basket, so some apples are coming home for you. We will also have apple cider and donuts on that day. You can still pack a snack if you would like. 

Large Group- We will toss foam apples, dance with apples, have our apple field trip and be an apple tree and stretch all around!

Books of the Week- "Ten Apples Up On Top" by Dr. Seuss, "The Apple Pie Tree" by Zoe Hall and Shari Halpern and "How Do Apples Grow?" by Betsy Maestro.

Have an appley sweet week!

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