Friday, March 8, 2024

Uu is for underneath


This week we are looking and listening for the letter Uu and exploring underneath things- under the ground, underneath tables and chairs, underneath cups, underneath cards or game pieces. 

Our KDI for this week is communicating ideas- children communicate their ideas about the characteristics of things and how they work. We will be working on describing where things are and what their purpose is there. What do roots do underneath the ground? How do you describe what goes on underneath the ground or water? Building vocabulary helps to build the ability to communicate!

Table Activities- We will have the opportunity to draw underneath tables and chairs, make an underground world in a box with tubes, look under cups and cards for memory, worm playdough, underground pictures to color, put things under the flaps of an envelope, and underwater play.

Small Group- We will all draw underneath a chair, see what is underneath a plant and replant it, add Uu is for underneath to our journal and see what happens when we plant a seed underneath the ground.

Large Group- We plan to go underneath London Bridge, and see what is underneath the soil and mulch and items on our playground.

Books of the Week- "Tops and Bottoms" by Janet Stevens, "Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt" by Kate Messner and Christopher Silas Neal and "underground" by Denise Fleming.

Bible Story- For the last 6 weeks or so, we have been concentrating on accounts of Jesus' miracles. Jesus miracles show the power he has as God and also show the love and compassion He has for us poor sinners. Jesus never once performed a miracle to draw attention to himself, in fact, he often told the recipients of the miracles not to tell anyone else. Contrary to many of the television preachers who invite people up on stage to make a show out of their healing, Jesus healed out of compassion and love, not ego.

Now we are going to listen to some of the accounts of Jesus' parables. Parables are a special way that Jesus taught- earthly stories with a heavenly meaning. Sometimes the characters represented God or the prophets or Jesus himself. Other times they represent how God feels about us or how he wants us to show our love to others. 

This week we see in the parable how Jesus wants us to show love to those around us, particularly our enemies. He was also answering a question from a Jewish leader who wanted to trap Him in His teachings. The leader asked, "What must I do to gain eternal life?" Jesus asked him what the commandments said. The teacher summarized, love God, love your neighbor. Jesus said he was correct, if he did that perfectly, he would gain eternal life. The leader wanted a clarification or a way of getting out of something he didn't want to fulfill in the law. He asked, "Who is my neighbor?"

Jesus answered with this parable. A man was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho when he was attacked by robbers. They stole all his goods and most of his clothing and beat him up. They left him lying by the side of the road half dead. 

A priest passed by and when he saw the man, he passed to the other side of the road. The same too when a Levite or temple worker passed by. Then a Samaritan passed, he stopped, took pity on the man, cleaned him up, bandaged him and put him on his donkey and brought him to an inn. He got a room for the man and took care of him. When he had to continue on his journey, he gave the innkeeper extra money for the man's care and even said he'd check back on his way home to see if he owed anymore. 

Who was the man's neighbor? Clearly, the one who had mercy on him. Jesus instructed him to go and do likewise. As should we. It's hard, sometimes dangerous. If robbers had attacked the man, they were surely around when the Samaritan helped him, he could have gotten robbed himself. He still helped. I know that I use that excuse sometimes, it's too dangerous, too inconvenient, I don't have the time. 

Lord help me to stop and help those in need, just as you sacrificed yourself to help me. Forgive me for the many, many times that I fail. Amen.

Some pictures from our Instrument Petting Zoo on Wednesday, Career Day and Pajama Day-

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