Friday, March 15, 2024

Qq is for Quilt.


This week we are looking and listening for the letter Qq and playing with quilting. If each piece of fabric had a letter on it and we "sewed" them all together, what wonderful word would it say? We are going to start looking at putting together letters to make words.

Our KDI of the week is phonological awareness- Children identify distinct sounds in spoken language. We are going to take this a step further and link the letter that goes with that sound to it.

Table Activities- This week our table activities include sewing plastic canvas, "quilting" letters together to make words, quilt coloring pages, shapes to glue to quilt, pattern block letters, fabric on sticky paper, cutting and gluing fabric scraps and letters.

Small Group- This week we will glue together a quilt, quilt our name, add Qq is for quilt to our journal and make fabric words to sound out.

Large Group- We will do a little tumbling on quilts on our mats and play with the parachute.

Books of the Week- "The Quilt" by Ann Jonas, "llama llama home with mama" by Anna Dewdney and "Luka's Quilt" by Georgia Guback are our stories this week.

Bible Story- Easter is quickly coming, so we are going to begin Holy Week in our story this week. Jesus knew that he would be entering Jerusalem for the final time. He had something special in mind that would fulfill prophesies and begin His last week as it should begin. As Jesus and his disciples were walking toward Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover, he told some of them to go to a certain house and retrieve a donkey's colt. If the people of the house asked, they were simply to say, "My Lord has need of it." They brought the donkey to Jesus and he sat on it. Crowds from the festival and crowds who were following Jesus because he raised Lazarus from the dead began to shout. "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna to the Son of David!" They waved palm branches and places cloaks on the ground for the donkey to step on. The people cheered Jesus into the city, the leaders of the people, not so much. They complained to Jesus to keep his followers quiet. He told them if they were quiet, the rocks would cry out. 

Jesus is the promised Messiah who enters Jerusalem on a donkey to bring peace between God and mankind. The only way that peace is achieved is through his suffering and death on the cross. God showed he accepted that sacrifice through Jesus resurrection! Take some time this week to share the story with your children. The last two years we have made resurrection eggs in class. We won't be doing it this year, but you can make them at home with just a dozen plastic eggs and some small props. Here is a link to a set I have used before-

Have a wonderful week!

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