Friday, February 2, 2024

Gg is for group


This week we are looking and listening for the letter Gg and learning how to do things as a group. Part of school, life and work all depend on being able to be part of a group. We will experience working and playing as a group this week.

The KDI of the week is cooperative play- children engage in cooperative play. Cooperative means working or acting together willingly to achieve a common purpose or benefit. Humans are naturally self centered, so working together, looking at other's ideas as valuable and essential, has to be learned. Listening to others, taking turns, including others ideas are all things that we will work on this week.

Table Activities- This week's table time will include sticky faces, cup building, stringing giant beads, building block towers, playing games, rock stacking and building with paper tubes and popsicle sticks together.

Small Group Activities- This week we will make a cooperative picture, build together, add Gg is for group to our journal and make a group junk sculpture.

Large Group Activities- This week we plan to  play with our parachute together, learn to play catch with a friend, pass the bean bag and rhythm sticks.

Books of the Week- "Will I Have a Friend?" by Miriam Cohen and Gerald and Piggy books by Mo Willems.

Bible Story- This week's Bible story is a great example of friends working together! Jesus was preaching in a house, probably in the village of Capernaum. Many people crowded in the house to hear Jesus and to have him heal their family or friend. There were some men who wanted to take their friend before Jesus. He was paralyzed and lying on a mat. Because of the crowd, they could not get into the house. So they carefully carried the man on his mat to the roof of the house, took up some tiles and carefully lowered the man down until he was laying right in front of Jesus. Jesus looked at the man with compassion and said, "Son, your sins are forgiven." The Pharisees were aghast, how dare he forgive sins!! He told them that he had that authority and power, he then said to the man, "Take up your mat and walk." and he did! Just like that, withered muscles were filled with strength again, balance restored! The man got up, rolled up his mat and walked out, forgiven and restored!

How amazing! The Bible says people were filled with awe and said, "We have seen remarkable things today!" We see them too, everyday. We hear God's Word, we experience God's love and grace through Jesus! What a great reminder to surround ourselves with Christian friends and receive the support and encouragement they provide. This can make us stronger and pull those who we are friends with who don't believe towards us and give God the opportunity to share His Word with them! What great friends this man had!! They could have given up, too crowded, too hard, too much work, but they didn't and they got their friend right before Jesus!

I know sometimes when we have a friend or family member who is going through a tough time, illness, disability of themselves or a child, sometimes they are left behind or left out. May God give us the desire to continue being support for them in any way we can! We work together for God!

Some pics of fun with letters and our field trip-

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