Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Bb is for bubbles.


This week we are experimenting with bubbles and looking and listening for the letter Bb.

The KDI for this week is experimenting- Children experiment to test their ideas. We will experiment with how to make the biggest, most, colorful bubbles. Popping bubbles, making bubbles around ourselves and other fun bubble activities to make observations about.

Table Activities- Table activities this week include making pipe cleaner bubble wands, playing with colored bubble foam, making bubble on flat surfaces, bubble wrap printing, popping bubble wrap, exploring bubbles and orbeez, painting bubble wrap and bubble coloring pages.

Small Group Activities- Our small group activities this week are bubble printing, making tensile bubbles, adding Bb is for bubble to our journal and trying to catch a bubble with paper.

Large Group activities- This week we will dance to music in a bubble storm, have a hula hoop bubble made around us, play with foam outside and blow bubbles!

Books of the Week- "The Bubble Factory" by Tomie dePaola and "Pop! A Book About Bubbles" by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley.

Bible Story- This week we hear the story of Moses and his delivering the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. After Moses was raised as a Prince of Egypt, he had trouble reconciling his two identities. He was an Egyptian prince, but he was also an Israelite. He once saw a Egyptian slave master beating a Hebrew (Israelite) slave and intervened. He actually killed the slave master and buried his body. The Hebrew slaves told Moses they had seen what he did and he fled Egypt. He spent many years in the wilderness, eventually getting married and becoming a shepherd. 

When Moses was about 80, he was out with his sheep and goats when he saw a burning bush. The voice of God talked to Moses out of that bush and told him that he was going to go back to Egypt to set God's people free. Moses was reluctant and made excuses for why he couldn't go, but God wasn't taking no for an answer, so Moses went.

Moses enlisted the help of his brother Aaron and they went to Pharaoh. They asked him to let the Israelites leave to worship their God. He refused. Moses told him that bad things were coming his way. God sent 10 plagues through Moses. After each plague arrived, Pharaoh said if God took it away, he would let the Israelites go, and after the plague was taken, Pharaoh changed his mind.

The first plague was turning the River Nile into blood, the next plague was frogs everywhere! Then came small gnat-like insects that were everywhere, then flies buzzing all around. Then God sent a sickness that killed many of the Egyptian animals, then painful sores that covered people's bodies. Then God sent a powerful hailstorm that destroyed crops and broke through rooves, it even killed people and animals. Then thousands of locust came and ate the crops that were knocked down. A plague of darkness settled over Egypt, but spared Goshen, where the Israelites lived. Finally God sent the angel of death over the land of Egypt. The firstborn of every family, including Pharaoh's own son died in the night. The angel passed over the homes of the Israelites who had followed God's direction to take a lamb and slaughter it, painting the doorframes of the house with its blood, eat unleavened bread and wear your traveling clothes. This was all foreshadowing of the Lamb of God, Jesus, who would be crucified for our sins, so we could be free from sin , death and the power of the devil! 

Pharaoh finally let the Israelites go! But even then he changed his mind. While the millions of Israelites were camped near the Red Sea, Pharaoh and his army came after them. God gave Moses the power to part the sea. As Moses held up his staff, the Israelites crossed over to the other side. God had slowed the Egyptian army down with fog and quicksand. As they began to enter the parted sea, Moses lowered his staff and they were all drowned.

God had miraculously set his people free!! God works the same miracle with us!! He sets us free with His Word! Drowns our old Adam, sinful self, in baptism and sets us free to live with him! Thanks be to God!

Some pictures from our messy day-

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