Friday, March 10, 2023

Qq is for queen.


Our letter this week is the letter Qq. We will be concentrating on the sight and sound of Qq and learning about castles and queens and kings.

Our KDI for the week is Vocabulary- Children understand and use a variety of words and phrases. Castles and royalty have some unusual vocabulary. We'll learn some new words and what they mean.

Table Time- Our table time activities this week include coloring a large castle, playing with castle toys, building a castle with blocks, making crowns, castle coloring pages, crown and castle making with playdough and making trebuchets to knock a knight over.

Small Group- This week in small group we will make a shield, decorate a picture of ourself as a king or queen, add Qq is for queen to our journal and make a wooden castle with a kit.

Large Group- We will get the chance to be knights with pool noodle lances and poster board swords outside.

Books of the Week- "In the Castle" by Anna Milbourne and Benji Davies, "If you were a kid in a Medieval Castle" by Josh Gregory and "The Queen's Hat" by Steve Antony.

Bible Story- This week we are learning about another parable that Jesus told his followers to help them understand God's love for his children, us.

There once was a man who had two sons. He was very wealthy. His older son worked hard on his estate and helped his father. The younger son was not content on the estate. He asked his father to give him the portion of the inheritance that would come to him when his father died. He wanted it right now so he could leave. The father agreed to give his younger son his money. The son left, moved to a city far away and used his money for all sorts of wrong things, parties, sinful living, etc.  Soon the money was gone and so were his "friends" that were so willing to be with him as long as he paid for everything. 

He had nothing, no home, no food, no family. He soon took a job feeding pigs. He had a place to stay, little food to eat. As he fed the pigs, the food he was giving them started to look delicious. The pigs owners would not allow him to eat that.

Realizing how foolish he had been, his father's servants had never lacked food. He decided to go home. He would tell his father how sorry he was and ask to be taken back as a servant, not a son. 

The father had never stopped hoping and watching for his son to come home. He hadn't heard from him in a long time, but he never stopped loving him. When the son was still a long way off, the father recognized him and ran out to meet him! He caught him up in a huge hug and kissed him!

The son immediately fell to his knees and confessed, "Father, you have no idea what I've done! I'm not worthy to be called your son! Please, will you take me back as a servant?"

The father loved him and forgave him! He called to his servants to bring his best robe and sandals and his family ring to put on his son! He told them to kill the fattened calf and prepare a huge celebration because his son had come home!! 

The older son was upset at this a bit, but his father reassured him of his love also and told him all that he had was his also!

God loves us, period! No matter what we have done, he is always waiting for us with open arms, ready to celebrate His child coming home!! There is nothing we can do to make God love us more, there is nothing we can do to make God love us less! He loves us because of who He is, not because of who we are! Let others know the blessings God has in store for them through faith! He loves all of us, the whole world. Invite someone who doesn't know to come "home" with you and learn more about your Father who loves them too!

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