Friday, January 6, 2023

Kk is for kangaroo!


This week we are learning about Australia and Australian animals, especially kangaroos. We'll be looking and listening for the letter Kk.

Our KDI of the week is geography- Children recognize and interpret features and locations in their environments. When we look at Australia, we'll talk about islands, coral reefs, deserts, scrubland, oceans, rivers and lakes. What is the same and what is different?

Table Activities- Our table activities this week include making boomerangs, kangaroo cookie cutters, water bins with coral and islands, rocks to paint, Australian animal play, Australia coloring pages, pretend pavlova, Aboriginal lizard art.

Small Group- This week our small group activities include an Aboriginal art kangaroo, decorating  clapsticks, adding Kk is for kangaroo to our journal and a coral reef sponge painting.

Large Group- Dancing to Australian music is our large group activity this week.

Books of the Week- "Possum Magic" by Mem Fox, "Over in Australia" by Marianne Berkes and "Marsupial Sue" by John Lithgow are our books this week.

Bible Story- This week we follow Jesus to the temple. After the wisemen came to see Jesus, Joseph and Mary fled with him to Egypt to keep him away from Herod. After Herod died, they returned to Judea, to their hometown of Nazareth. When Jesus was about 12 years old, he was old enough to accompany his parents to the temple in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. They were most likely traveling with family and friends from Nazareth. Think of it like a big camping trip! They stayed for the celebration and began to head home. When they set up camp that first night, Jesus wasn't around. They had assumed he was walking with his friends or cousins, but when it came time to eat and sleep for the night, they couldn't find him!! Mary and Joseph were frantic! They asked everyone if they had seen Jesus. When no one had, they traveled back to Jerusalem. They spent three days scouring the city to end up back in the temple. There Jesus was, talking and asking questions of the teachers of the law and the scribes. They were amazed at his knowledge! Mary was not so amazed- she asked, "Son, your father and I have been so worried! Why have you treated us this way?" Jesus asked why they were worried. Didn't they know he had to be in his Father's house? He went with them home to Nazareth, and was obedient in all things. It almost feels as if Jesus were not obedient here, but he was obedient to his heavenly Father. I am sure at times, Mary and Joseph almost forgot who Jesus was. He was their child, yet their creator. He didn't belong to them, but was given to them to care for. Our children aren't our creators, but they don't belong to us either. As Christians, our children are God's children. I pray each day to entrust them more and more to his care and not to worry. They are held in hands much more powerful and capable then mine!

A few pictures of our day!-

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