Friday, September 2, 2022

Tt is for tree.


This week we are looking at trees! Tt is for tree. Trees have so many different parts- bark, branches, leaves, seeds, homes for squirrels, birds and bugs. 

Our KDI for the week is Observing- Children observe the materials and processes in their environments. We will look and examine all the different parts of a tree and how wonderful a creation they are!

Table Activities- This week we experience a tree sensory bin, try leaf rubbings, play with sticks and playdough, button trees, log exploration and creating with leaves.

Small Group-This week we will use our fine motor skills to rip paper and make a tree, make a nature collage and add Tt is for tree to our journal.

Large Group- Bark rubbing, being like a tree and tree stump play are our large group activities this week.

Books of the Week- This week our books are "LeafMan" by Lois Ehlert, "Our Tree Named Steve" by Alan Zweibel and "As An Oak Tree Grows" by G. Brian Karas.

Bible Story- This week we hear the story of Abram/Abraham. Years pass after Noah and his family left the ark. The world fills with people and God chooses a family to set His plan of salvation in motion. God tells a believer named Abram to be the father of this new people. God instructs Abram and his wife Sarai to move to a new place that He will lead them to. Abram and Sarai pack up along with their nephew Lot and go where the Lord leads them. They have no idea where they are going, but they follow. God promises to bless the world through Abram. God leads them to a place called Canaan. He tells Abram that this is where he will stay and live and the land will be his family's after him. Abram was confused, he and Sarai were old, past the age of having children, and they didn't have any children. How would his family have this land if he had no family? God took him outside at night and asked Abram to count the stars. Abram couldn't! God promised Abram that he would have as many offspring as there are stars in the sky. God promised Abram that he would have a child! God promised Abram that he would be His God. God changed Abram's name to Abraham which means "father of many nations". When Abram was 100 years old and Sarai, who's now Sarah, mother of nations, was 90, they had a son. They named him Isaac because Sarah laughed when she was told she would have a child at the age of 90. God kept His promise to Abraham. We are the children of Abraham by faith! We believe that Jesus is our Savior, just like Abraham believed in the promise of Jesus.  Faith is a gift given to us by God through which He makes us His child! WE are children of Abraham and the children of God!

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