Friday, September 9, 2022

Cc is for construction


This week we will look at and listen for the sound of Cc as we build and construct with materials from our classroom and use construction tools.

Our KDI of the week is Problem Solving- Children solve problems encountered in play. As we work to build together, different people have different ideas. How do we work together? How can we use our words to make ourselves understood? How should we express frustration when things don't go our way? Lots of building and problem solving this week.

Table Activities- This week we build with blocks, toothpicks and marshmallows, craft sticks and glue. We experiment with tools, screwing screws and pounding golf tees. We use playdough to make tool cookies and leave tracks in playdough with construction vehicles. We can play with water, funnels, buckets and pipettes and dirt, rocks, sand and building materials in a bin.

Small Group- This week we will build patterns with colored craft sticks, build with sugar cubes, add Cc is for construction to our journals and use various materials to construct.

Large Group- Sandbox play and building with cardboard.

Books of the Week- "Builders and Breakers" by Steve Light, "Diggersaurs" by Machael Whaite and "Diggers, Dozers, Dumpers" by Hope Vestergaard.

Bible Story- This week we hear about Abraham's grandson, Jacob. Abraham had one son named Isaac. Isaac and his wife Rebekah had twin sons, Esau and Jacob. Esau was the older son and Isaac's favorite. He was an outdoorsman, a hunter and took his birthright lightly. Jacob was a shepherd and stayed closer to home. He was his mother's favorite. Once when Esau was out hunting, he returned famished. He agreed to trade his birthright for a bowl of pottage that Jacob was preparing. He ate and promptly forgot about his bargain. 
    Isaac grew old and wanted to give his sons their blessings- Esau his birthright as older son and Jacob a lesser blessing. Jacob and his mother, Rebekah conspired to trick Isaac into giving Jacob the older son's blessing. Isaac was blind. He had called Esau to him and instructed him to go out and hunt, bring back some game meat and prepare it for him in his favorite way and he would bless him. Rebekah overheard. She had Jacob go kill one of his goats, prepared it for Isaac and Jacob took the skin of the goat and tied it to his arms and tucked it in the neck of the clothes he was wearing (which were Esau's). This way he would feel and smell like Esau. He took the stew to his father and pretended to be Esau. Isaac was suspicious, Esau had come and gone so quickly and the man before him sounded like Jacob. Jacob continued to lie to his father and received the blessing. Not long after, Esau returned. Isaac was confused, he had already given his blessing, what did he have left for Esau? Esau was outraged!! He would find and kill this usurper, Jacob! Rebekah encouraged Jacob to run away to her brother and stay there so Esau would not kill him. Jacob ran and slept in the wilderness on his journey, using a rock for a pillow. There he had a dream of a ladder reaching up into heaven and angels going up and down it. At the top stood the Lord. He promised Jacob that a Savior would come through his family. Jacob woke up and anointed the rock to remember that God was in this place. 

God was with Jacob even though Jacob didn't do the right thing. Sometimes these stories are so hard to understand. But they are stories of a faithful God who keeps his promises, no matter what we humans do. He kept his promise to send his son and he'll keep his promise to come again!

Some pictures from our tree week!

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