Sunday, April 18, 2021

Xx is for boxes.


This week we are looking and listening for the sound of Xx. Since Xx makes the sound of /Zz/ when it is at the beginning of the word, we are listening for /x/ at the ending and middle of words.

Our KDI of the week is phonological awareness- children identify distinct sounds in spoken language. We will try to pinpoint where the sound is heard, in the middle or the end.

Table Activities- This week we will be building with boxes every day, coloring inside and outside giant boxes, pounding golf tees into boxes, making a box from 2-D into 3-D and playing box memory.

Small group Activities- We will be coloring on the outside of a box, making a gift to put in a box, adding Xx is for box to our journal and creating a "Not A Box" creation.

Large Group Activities- We will be playing with boxes outside and making a box obstacle course.

Books of the Week- "Not a Box" by Antoinette Portis and "What To Do With a  Box" by Jane Yolen.

Jesus Time- This week our story sees two dismayed, hopeless disciples walking to the town of Emmaus. As they are walking, they are talking with each other about the events of the past week. Jesus' arrest and death, the burial, the fantastic story that the women came back with saying that Jesus was risen, they just didn't understand. A man began to walk with them and asked them what they were talking about. They were astounded that he hadn't heard! They explained to him the events that had happened in Jerusalem the past week. He then, in turn, explained to them how it seemed that this Jesus was the Christ, using all the prophecies of the Old Testament, he methodically went through each one, showing how Christ fulfilled them all. When they decided to stop for something to eat, this man stopped with them. As he lifted and blessed the bread, their eyes were opened to the fact that this man was the risen Christ!! He had been walking with them and teaching them again all along!! After that, Jesus just disappeared. The disciples ran back to Jerusalem to the room where the rest of the disciples had locked themselves in for fear of the Jewish leaders and told them what they had heard and seen! They said to themselves, "Weren't our heart burning within us?" Jesus is alive!! The rest of the disciples, except Thomas, would see him that night too!

Pictures from our Qq for queen week!

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