Friday, April 19, 2024

Ww is for wind.


This week we are listening and looking for the letter Ww and the effects of the wind! We will hopefully have some breeze to help us!

Our KDI of the week is movement- Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine and feel through movement. As we see how the wind moves things, we can move with the wind ourselves and see how making our own wind by blowing feels.

Table Activities- This week we will get the opportunity to make pinwheels, paint with wind, make wind socks, use straws to make underwater wind, color a fan, bead a kite tail and pin scarves to a clothesline in the wind created by a small fan.

Small Group- We will experiment to see what the wind blows, make a kite, add Ww is for wind to our journal and create a large wind painting outside.

Large Group- Hopefully we will get the opportunity to fly our kites and experiment with the wind with other objects outside.

Books of the Week- "Feel the Wind" by Arthur Dorros and  "The Wind Blew" by Pat Hutchins.

Bible Story- This week our Bible story is about a road trip. On Easter Sunday, two of Jesus followers were walking to the town of Emmaus, about 8 miles outside Jerusalem. As they were walking, they were talking about all that had happened that week. A third man asked if he could join them. As they all walked together, he asked what they were talking about. They were surprised that he hadn't heard everything that had gone on in Jerusalem that week. They filled him in about Jesus arrest, death and burial and the fact that some women claimed that they had seen Jesus alive that very day. 

They didn't know what to believe! The third man was Jesus, he kept his identity hidden. Jesus talked to them and opened up the Scriptures to them, showing them how everything that happened fulfilled what had been prophesied. As the disciples reached Emmaus, they invited this stranger to have the evening meal with them. As he said the blessing, he let them see who he was and then he disappeared!

They were astonished- didn't our hearts burn with in us?? They ran back to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples that they had indeed seen the Lord!

How amazing! Jesus shows us himself through his Word even today! Read it and walk with Jesus your whole life through!

 Some pictures from box week-


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