Friday, January 12, 2024

Ee is for exploring!


This week we look and listening for the letter Ee and have fun exploring. We will look at maps and our world!

Our KDI for the week is use of resources- children gather information and formulate ideas about their world. We will take a look at maps and atlases and see the world we live on and in. We'll have the opportunity to explore in pictures and pretend trips.

Table Activities- This week our table activities include making pretend binoculars, following and figuring out mazes, coloring world maps, looking at far away places through View Masters, puzzles of our world, our country and our solar system and shaping the continents on clay mats.

Small Group Activities- We will make a map of the school, add Ee is for exploring to our journals and make a model of a compass.

Large Group Activities- This week we'll have some fun with globe beach balls and follow a map outside.

Books of the Week-  "The Moose Belongs to Me" by Oliver Jeffers, "The Trek" by Ann Jonas and "As the Crow Flies" by Gail Hartman.

Bible Story- Our Bible story this week is the account of the boy Jesus at the temple. From the time Jesus' family flees to the safety of Egypt and returns to Nazareth, we don't hear anything about Jesus childhood years. When he is twelve years old, Jesus accompanies his parents to the temple in Jerusalem for the celebration of the Passover. They went with friends and family, probably traveling as a group from Nazareth to Jerusalem. As they were returning to Nazareth, they realized the first night that Jesus wasn't with them. They were worried and as soon as they could, returned to Jerusalem and spent three days walking around the city, looking for him. They found him at last, sitting in the temple, asking and answering questions from the teachers. Everyone who heard him was amazed at his insight! 

When Mary and Joseph found him, they were astonished. They were worried about him, didn't he know that. Jesus answer was not disrespectful, just a reminder of who he was and what his job was to be-The Son of God who takes away the sins of the world!

He went back to Nazareth and was obedient to them in all things. Mary remembered this and thought about it. Jesus grew in wisdom, stature and favor with God and men. How important it is for us to teach our children that even though Jesus was perfect, he still sat and listened to his parents and his teachers, sinful they might be. Our children are given the responsibility to listen to and learn from those in authority over them. We aren't perfect and neither are they, but we still help them to grow in wisdom, stature and favor with God and man.

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