Saturday, November 25, 2023

Hh is for healthy eating!


After all the excesses of the Thanksgiving season and the extra treats to come at Christmas, we will spend some time talking about healthy eating and the letter Hh! We will be playing with our food all week!

Our KDI of the week is healthy behavior- Children engage in healthy practices. We encourage healthy practices like washing hands, using a tissue, covering our mouth when we cough, getting outside and playing, not having too much screen time. This week we will take a look at what we eat!

Table Activities- This week's table activities include printing with fruits and vegetables, "planting" a vegetable garden, exploring fruits and veges, a fruit and vegetable sensory bin, sorting by color, coloring pages with fruits and vegetables, painting with some vegetables, investigating what part of the plant each vege is- leaf, stalk, root, fruit?

Small Group- For small group we will explore and play with both fruits and vegetables, add Hh is for healthy eating to our journal and make a healthy plate.

Large Group- This week we'll do some exercise and stretching, toss some fruit and feel our heart beat!

Books of the Week- "Eating the Alphabet" by Lois Ehlert, "Gregory, the Terrible Eater" by Mitchel Sharmat and "lunch" by Denise Fleming.

Bible Story- Last week we heard about the angel appearing to Mary, now we hear the story of how Jesus' birth came about. Mary and Joseph lived in the northern town of Nazareth, but the prophecy stated that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem. It just so happened that when Mary was close to giving birth, the Roman ruler, Caesar Augustus, made a decision to have a census taken. Because Mary and Joseph were both descendants of David, they had to travel to Bethlehem, David's home town, to be counted. They traveled either by donkey or by foot. It usually took 3 or 4 days to walk to Bethlehem from Nazareth, but because of Mary's condition, they probably were traveling more slowly. They weren't the only ones headed to Bethlehem! When they finally arrived, all the inns and guest houses were full. Joseph and Mary needed some kind of shelter, the baby was coming soon! Finally they were offered a stable, which was most likely a cave, to shelter in. There she gave birth to her first born, a son, and wrapped him in strips of cloth and placed him in a manger. It sometimes is romanticized, quiet and peaceful. But it was warm and sheltered, but it was a place full of animals and probably fairly filthy. Usually Mary would have had her female relatives present to help with the birth, but there is no account of them being there. Mary seems to have been an unusually calm, collected young woman. She knew the significance of this moment and pondered and remembered each little detail. Joseph provides shelter and safety. Jesus leaves the halls of heaven where he is worshipped by angels to come to earth in one of the most humble circumstances that could be contrived. He fulfilled the prophesies made in the Old Testament concerning the Messiah. What joy for us! What love for us! 

Just a few pics-

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!!


This short week we are going to concentrate on Thanksgiving and what we are thankful for!

Our KDI for the week is History- Children understand past, present and future. We'll look at the history of Thanksgiving and how we celebrate Thanksgiving now.

Table Activities- Table activities include pattern blocks, corn sensory bins, candy corn activities, Thanksgiving coloring pages, dot painting Thanksgiving themed.

Small Group Activities- We will be making a pinecone turkey and add an "I'm Thankful for..." page to our journal.

Large Group Activities- Large group activities will include our own little turkey trot and a "Stuff the Turkey" game.

Book of the Week- "Oh, What a Thanksgiving" by Steven Kroll.

Bible Story- This week we begin the stories that tell about Jesus birth! Our first story is the account of the angel Gabriel telling Mary that she would be Jesus' mother. Mary was probably only 12 or 13 years old, she was promised in marriage to a man named Joseph who was a carpenter. They both lived in a small town in Galilee called Nazareth. It was common in those days to be pledged in marriage and not get married for a while.  Mary and Joseph were both descendants of David. The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and greeted her as one highly favored. Mary was confused by this greeting, what did it mean? The angel told her that she was going to give birth to God's Son. He would be the Savior of the world!

She wondered how this could be since she was a virgin. The angel told her that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and the power of the Most High would overshadow her so what would be conceived in her would be the Son of God. He even told her about her cousin Elizabeth who was thought to be barren but was now expecting a child.

Mary accepted what the angel told her and submitted herself to be the servant of God. 

It sounds so easy- May it be to me as you have said. Those are the words Mary says in Scripture. How are we at accepting what God's will is for our lives? 

Your company cuts its workforce and you lose your job- May it be to me as you have said.

We're sorry, it's cancer- May it be to me as you have said.

It looks like your car is totaled. - May it be to me as you have said.

Mary wasn't perfect, but her seemingly quiet, calm acceptance of the will of God is certainly a pattern for us to follow. She knew her world would be upended, a scandal, an unplanned "miraculous" pregnancy, fleeing to Egypt, watching her Son be adored, worshipped, mocked and crucified. Birth in a barn, saved by her Son. What a life Mary had, she pondered and believed.

May we like Mary, ponder anew God's love and will for us each day!

Pictures of ocean week-

Friday, November 10, 2023

Oo is for oceans.


This week's letter is Oo and we will be listening and looking for the sound of Oo and learning about oceans.

Our KDI for the week is ecology- children understand the importance of taking care of their environment. We will clean up an "oil spill" and garbage out of our water and reading a book about the oil spill of the Exxon Valdez. 

Table Activities- Our table activities this week include water play, foil fish, cleaning up an oil spill, fish stamp painting, sea shell investigate, fish/ocean coloring pages, fishing and fish necklaces

Small Group Activities- This week in small group we will make an ocean in a bottle with water and mineral oil, paint a seashell, add Oo is for ocean to our journal and make some permanent sand castles.

Large Group Activities- This week in large group we will dance to surfing songs, stretch like ocean creatures, sing "Baby Shark" and the finger play "Five Little Fishies".

Books of the Week- "Oil Spill!" by Melvin Berger, and "Somewhere in the Ocean" by T. J. Marsh and Jennifer Ward.

Bible Story- This week's Bible story is our last story in the Old Testament. Next week we will start learning about what happened to prepare for Jesus' birth! This week's story is Daniel in the Lion's Den. The story of Daniel takes place when the kingdom of Israel has been defeated and Israel's people taken captive and off to different lands. Daniel is taken as a young man and becomes an advisor to the king of Babylon-Nebuchadnezzer. Babylon is then defeated by the Medes and Persians and Daniel remains in the government of the new ruler, King Darius. Daniel is not a young man anymore, but an elderly man of 80! Many of King Darius' advisors are jealous of Daniel and the good advice he gives to the king and they want to find a way to get rid of him. They know how the laws of the Medes and the Persians work- once a law is written and signed by the king, it cannot be changed. They also know Daniel's habit, he continues to be faithful to the one true God of Israel and several times each day, faces Jerusalem and prays towards the temple.

They encourage King Darius to sign a law stating that for an entire month, no one was to worship any other god but him. If they dared to worship someone else, they would be thrown in a den of hungry lions! King Darius agreed! He didn't know the trap that had been set for his favorite advisor. Sure enough, the other advisors caught Daniel praying and told the king. The king was frantic, how could he save his friend? As sundown came, Daniel was placed in the den of lions. The King could not eat or sleep, he was so worried! As soon as the sun was up, he went out to the den to see how Daniel fared! He called to Daniel, "Was your God able to save you?" and Daniel replied, "May the king live forever! My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty.”

How amazing!! Then the king had the advisors who had wanted to get rid of Daniel thrown into the lions' den. They were quickly devoured. And King Darius made a decree that all must revere the God of Daniel. 

Daniel knew that either way, he was in God's Almighty and Loving hands. When things on this earth feel like a lion is ready to devour us, remember Daniel and God's goodness to him and his everlasting goodness to us!

Some pictures of tablet and white board artists-