Friday, September 1, 2023

Cc is for camping.


This week we are going to play camping! We are also going to look and listen for the letter Cc. I know some people camp in tents and some people camp in campers. We'll have fun playing camping in tents!

Our KDI this week is pretend play- Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine and feel through pretend play. We will enjoy pretending to camp and using camping equipment, sitting around a pretend fire and making pretend smores!

Table Activities- Our table activities this week include playing "Small World Camping" with playmobile toys, making a ripped paper fire, creating with nature playdough, painting a fire and playing in tents.

Small Group Activities- We will make a lantern to use while we camp, add Cc is for camping to our journal and make a paper tent.

Large Group Activities- We will have a big tent and camping supplies set up outside for us to play in and with.

Books of the Week- "Fred and Ted Go Camping" by Tony Eastman and "Monster and Mouse Go Camping" by Deborah Underwood.

Bible Story- This week our Bible Story centers around a man named Abram. Abram was chosen to be the starting point of a special people through whom the Savior, Messiah, Jesus would come. Abram was married to a woman named Sarai. They were older and had no children. God told Abram to move to a land that he would show him. So Abram packed up with Sarai and his nephew Lot and moved to an unknown place. When they arrived, God told Abram his name would be changed to Abraham and Sarai's name to Sarah because they would be the mother and father of nations. God made a promise that the whole world would be blessed through Abraham and Sarah's children. Abraham was 99 years old when God made that promise and Sarah was 89. God kept his promise, even though Abraham and Sarah doubted and even tried to fulfill it in their own way. God always keeps his promises to us! Even if we don't keep our promises to him! What a God to put our faith in! Steadfast, sure, promise keeper, that's who our God is! Hope in Him will not fail!

Some pictures from our summer sun week-

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