Saturday, August 19, 2023

Welcome to preschool!! Mm is for marshmallow!


This week we are going to start our preschool year out with something yummy, marshmallows! And we are going to look for the letter Mm and listen for it's sound!

Each week we concentrate on a Key Developmental Indicator which define important learning goals for preschoolers. Our KDI for this week is Patterns: Children identify, describe, copy, complete and create patterns. We will be creating our patterns with marshmallows- patterns by color, patterns by size.

Table Activities- Each week we have special table activities that students are encouraged to try before they play with the other toys in the room. Later in the year they will be required to try the activities before moving on. This week our table activities include marshmallow exploration (yes, we do play with our food in preschool), marshmallow playdough, sorting marshmallows by color and size, counting marshmallows, experimenting with marshmallows in water and colored water and painting with marshmallows.

Small Group Activities- This week our small group activities include marshmallow patterns, adding the journal page Mm is for marshmallow, using our 5 senses to describe a marshmallow and writing our own marshmallow book.

Large Group Activities- We will use our whole bodies to do a marshmallow toss, dance with a marshmallow and lastly taste a marshmallow after we've explored it with our other senses.

Books of the Week-  "Most Marshmallows" by Robert Weinstock and "The Marshmallow Incident" by Judi Barrett.

Bible Story Time- This week we begin at the beginning- creation. We will hear about how God created this world in 6 literal days and then rested on the 7th. On the first day, God created the day and the night, and it was good. On the second day, God separated the waters, the waters above are the sky separate from the waters below, and it was good. On the third day, God gathered up the waters and separated it from dry land. He commanded the land to produce vegetation, plants with seeds, trees with fruit, all to continue to produce and grow from that which He created, and it was good. On the fourth day God created the sun, moon and stars to mark the days and years, and it was good. On the fifth day, God said, "Let the waters be filled with living things, fish, sea creatures and let the sky be filled with flying things, birds, insects." Everything was told to be fruitful and multiply. And it was good! On the sixth day, God created the animals that live on the land, livestock, wild animals and creatures that move along the ground. Then God made man and woman. We are his special creation. God formed man from the clay of the earth and breathed the breath of life in him. He created woman from man, especially made to work and live together. God made man and woman in His image. He doesn't say that about any of the other things He created. At the end of the sixth day, God said it was very good. And on the 7th day, God rested. He was finished creating, it was complete. God gave every fruit and vegetable for man to eat at this time. He talked with and walked with the man and woman He created. They are given the names Adam and Eve in the Bible. God created all these things to show His glory and His goodness. We believe it happened just as the Bible says, there was morning, there was evening, the first day, etc. There is far too much order in creation to have it happen by chance like evolution suggests. Designed carefully by our Creator, in His image, His precious and loved children!

Have a wonderful first week!

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