This week we have a short week and our themes for the week reflect what a lot of students have been playing or showing interest in over the last few weeks. Not everyone has been playing these themes, but some of the other interests have already been focused on or will be focused on!
The AM class loves their cars, trucks, and planes so we will be focusing on transportation. Table activities will include making paper airplanes, floating boats, playing with trains and cars, coloring pictures on those themes, printing with wheels.
Our small group will be working on our auction project- we will be painting squares of fabric with liquid watercolors and making them into a quilt, we will also paint a vehicle to go with our transportation theme.
Our large group includes singing along with Laurie Berkner's "Drive My Car" and pretending we are in different kinds of vehicles.
Our books of the week are "Cars and Trucks" by Richard Scarry, "Blue Boat" by Kersten Hamilton and "Freight Train" by Donald Crews.
The PM class has been moving chairs, collecting food and throwing parties on the ABC rug! So we will have a party theme this week. Table activities will include Happy Birthday bins, making party hats, playdough cake decorating and painting a giant cardboard cake.
Our small group will be working on our auction project which will be painting mini canvases and putting them together for one work of art and having a "party" with games and favors.
Our large group will include singing "Happy Birthday" and blowing our pretend candles and a dance party.
Our books of the week are "Pete the Cat and the Perfect Pizza Party" by Kimberly and James Dean, "Groovy Joe Dance Party Countdown" by Eric Litwin and "Bunny Cakes" by Rosemary Wells.
Bible Story- Our Bible Story this week is the feeding of the 5000. A large group of people were following Jesus as he preached, he shared God's word with them all day long. Late in the afternoon, the disciples came to Jesus and reminded him of the time. They told him it was getting late in the day and the people are hungry, he should send them away to buy food for themselves. Jesus said, "No, you feed them." The disciples were stunned! How could they possibly feed so many people? The crowd numbered in the thousands. They told Jesus they couldn't afford to buy enough food, even with a year's wages and there just wasn't any place to buy it from! How could they do it? One disciples found a young boy with five loaves of bread and two small fish, but that wasn't enough to feed so many people. Jesus told the people to sit down, he took the lunch and blessed it and began to break off pieces of the fish and loaves for his disciples to pass around. The food kept coming and the disciples kept passing. The people ate until they were full and the disciples went around with baskets to pick up the left overs. There were 12 baskets left! More food was left over then there was to begin with!! Do we ever have to worry that Jesus won't take care of us? Never!! He has us in his hands! Unfortunately, people liked this part of Jesus and wanted to make him their "Bread King" they would never have to work again!! That was not why Jesus came, so he left the crowds to go away and pray. Jesus takes care of us all the time!!
How often do we say thank you? We will be coming up on the story of the lepers who were healed. They forgot to say thank you. Many of these people probably didn't remember to say thank you, they just wanted more. We live our lives in constant thankfulness for what our Lord has done for us, not just physically, but spiritually more important!
Some Valentines pictures- Thank you for all the wonderful Valentines gifts!