Friday, November 11, 2022

Ll is for letters.


This week we are listening for the sound of Ll and looking at all the letters of the alphabet.

Our KDI of the week is Alphabetic Knowledge- Children identify letter names and their sounds. We have been concentrating on letter names and sounds each week as introduce each letter. We will continue to do so, but this week we will base each activity around letters, their names and their sounds.

Table Activities- Our table activities this week include letter magnets, letter pasta sensory bins, letter clay mats, letter beads, letter coloring pages, making letters on contact paper with yarn and with waxy sticks, letter stamps and letter bubble bath.

Small Group Activities-The small group activities this week include getting to know the letters in our names and putting them in the correct order using a capital/upper case to begin our name and lower case/common for the remaining letters, decorating the letter our names begin with, adding Ll is for letter to our journal and learning about another meaning of the word letter as we "write" ourselves a letter. (Look for it coming in the mail).

Large Group Activities- Large Group may include letter body shapes, letter hide and seek and making letters out of natural materials like stick, pinecones and rocks guided by sidewalk chalk letters.

Books of the Week- "Dr. Suess's ABC's" by Dr. Suess and "Z is for Moose" by Kelly Bingham.

Bible Story- Our Bible story this week is Daniel and the Lion's Den. Years have passed and the nation of Israel has been broken apart. First the Babylonians and then the Persians have taken control. This story takes place while the Persians are the "rulers" of the world. Daniel had been taken into captivity by the Babylonians and became an advisor to their king. When the Persians defeated the Babylonians, the Persian king named Darius, kept Daniel on as an advisor. By this time, Daniel was getting older, he was around 80, during this event. Some of the Persian advisors were jealous of the respect King Darius gave to Daniel and they hatched a plan to get him in trouble. They knew that Daniel prayed to the one, true God each day. They told the king, "Make a new law that everyone should pray only to you, oh King! If they don't follow the law, they should be thrown into a den of hungry lions." King Darius believed himself to be a god and signed on to the new law. According to their customs, the law could not be changed. Daniel could not obey God and the new law, so he continued to pray to the one true God. Those advisors caught him in the act and brought him before the king. The king had no choice but to have Daniel thrown in the lion's den. The king was very upset, he loved and trusted Daniel, but he made the law, so he had to enforce it. That night, the king did not eat or sleep. At first light, he rushed to the den and called out, "Daniel, did your God save you?" Daniel answered, "My God sent angels to shut the mouths of the lions. They didn't hurt me at all!" The king was overjoyed!! He had Daniel pulled out of the lion's den and had the advisors who had plotted to kill Daniel thrown in. 

It seems like we may soon be faced with the choice to obey God or government. There really is no choice, we follow God. This government is temporary, God is eternal. We do what he wants us to do and he will deal with the government. Hold fast to the faith! There are many who have gone before us, courageous Christians who have held on to their faith and lost earthly possessions and life, but gained eternity. Some are martyrs today in other countries. God is with us, He will not fail!

Some pictures of our week of wetlands-

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