Saturday, October 8, 2022

Bb is for ball!


Bb is for balls! We'll explore balls this week, make some, play with some, create with some and even look at the science of bouncing balls!

Our KDI for the week is body awareness- Children know about their bodies and how to navigate them in space. We are adding in movement with a ball, how to throw, catch and bounce it with our bodies.

Table Activities- The table activities this week include marble track, spiky ball painting, marble painting, straws and wiffle balls, balls in water, spaghetti and meatballs, bowling, balancing ping pong balls on golf tees, and cotton ball painting.

Small Group activities- We will make a ball with Model Magic, roll, bounce and dance with balls, add Bb is for ball to our journal, and work on ball handling.

Large Group Activities-  Balls in our parachute, pool noodle baseball and throwing and catching balls will be our large group activities this week.

Books of the week- "Franklin Plays the Game" by Paulette Bourgeois and "Snail Saves the Day" by John Stadler are our books this week.

Bible Story- This week our Bible story sees Moses grow up and God gives him a big job! Moses grows and knows who his people truly are. He leaves Egypt after getting in trouble for defending and Israelite slave. He gets married, has children and works as a shepherd. He is now in his 80's. One day he is watching over his flock when he sees a bush on fire, but not burning up. He approaches the bush and is told to take off his shoes because he is standing on holy ground. God calls him to return to Egypt to lead his people, the Israelites to freedom. Moses refuses, God's got the wrong guy! There is no way he can bring the Israelites out of Egypt- he can't even speak well! God won't take no for an answer and so Moses returns to Egypt. Along with his brother Aaron, Moses goes to Pharaoh and asks him to release God's people so they may go out to the desert and worship Him. Pharaoh refuses and the plagues begin. Ten times God visits the land of Egypt with different plagues, the water turns to blood, then frogs cover the land, then gnats, then flies, then a plague on livestock, then boils or sores on the people, then hail, then locusts, then darkness. Each time Moses and Aaron warn Pharaoh what is coming, it comes, Pharaoh says if you ask your God to take the plague away, then I'll let them go. Each time Pharaoh changes his mind. Finally, the tenth and worst plague comes, the death of the firstborn. The Israelites are told what to do so the angel of death will Passover their house and they do it. The Egyptians don't have that option and even Pharaoh's first born son is killed. Pharaoh tells the Israelites to go, leave Egypt, the other Egyptians give the Israelites gold and jewels to leave their land. So much sorrow and loss because the leader would not bow the knee to the one, true God. Even in this instance, Pharaoh changes his mind. The Israelites leave and camp for the night near the Red Sea. In the morning, they see a cloud of dust in the distance, it is Pharaoh and his army. They are coming to get them. God confuses them with darkness and quicksand while the Israelites get ready to go. God tells Moses to hold out his staff and the sea parts and every Israelite makes it across on dry land. God tells Moses to let his hand down and the Egyptian army is swept away and drowned. God makes a way when there seems to be no way! At conference this week a saying really brought this home to me- Don't tell God how big your problems are, tell your problems how big your God is! He is the God of Deliverance, not just from the Red Sea and angry Egyptians, but from sin, death and the devil who try to keep us from Him. He saved us through his death on the cross!

Sorry, no pics from this short week!

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