Saturday, August 20, 2022

Mm is for mud!


I don't think we'll get quite as muddy as the little boy in the picture, but we will have fun playing with mud and exploring outdoors this first week of preschool! Bring an extra towel just in case!

Our KDI (Key Developmental Indicator) of the week is Initiative- Children demonstrate initiative as they explore their world. This week we are encouraging curiosity and exploration. Looking around at the different toys inside and outside, exploring the ways to play with nature-rock. mud, sand, sticks, etc. What can we do with...? How can we play with ...?

Table Activities- These are the activities provided at the tables at the beginning of the day- usually themed to go with the week's theme. They are also available throughout the day at free play time. This week we have mud playdough, nature sensory bin, mud slime, mud bricks to build with, mud/swamp play and making stone soup.

Small Group Activities- These are what we do together as a whole class at the same time. Tuesday we will fingerpaint, Wednesday we will add "Mm is for mud" to our journal, Thursday we will make mudpies.

Large Group Activities- These are activities we often do together that exercise our whole body (gross motor skills) and are often done outside. This week we will have mud play and a nature scavenger hunt.

Books of the Week- "Mud" by Mary Lyn Ray and "Harry the Dirty Dog" by Gene Zion. We'll read these books each day at meeting time. 

Bible Story- This week we hear about how God created the world and people. At the beginning, there was nothing! God said, "Let there be light!" and there was! God separated the light from the darkness and there was morning and evening, the first day. The next day God separated the water on the earth and the waters above. He called the space between them sky. And there was morning and there was evening, the second day. On the third day, God separated the water and dry land on the earth- he made oceans, rivers, streams, and dry land. On the dry land, he spoke and plants of all kinds began to grow, seed bearing plants, fruit bearing trees, all kinds of vegetation and there was morning and evening, the third day. On the fourth day, God make the sun to shine during the day and the moon and stars to shine at night. The sun, moon and stars would signal the seasons, days, months and years. It was morning and it was evening, the fourth day. On the fifth day, God spoke and fish and swimming creatures filled the waters and birds, insects and flying creatures filled the air. It was morning and evening, the fifth day. On the sixth day, God created animals, reptiles, mammals, amphibians, every thing that moves on the earth. Then he took some clay and formed a man, he breathed life into the man and named him Adam. God gave the man the job to take care of the garden He had planted and told him that he could eat of any tree in the garden, except for the two in the center- the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life. He also gave Adam the job of naming every animal. When the man had finished, he found there was no one like him. God knew it was not good for man to be alone, so he put Adam in a deep sleep, took his rib and created Eve to be his companion. God declared His creation to be very good. On the seventh day, God stopped creating and rested.  Adam and Eve lived happily in the garden, working for and talking with God. 

The Bible says that God created the world we live in in six literal days- morning and evening, each day. Adam and Eve were created perfectly at peace with God and with each other. We don't know how long that peace lasted, but it didn't last long. God desires that peace with all human beings, that is why He sent His son, Jesus, to restore that peace through His perfect life and innocent death on the cross. The restoration is made complete by Jesus rising again from the dead! We get to be just as close to God as Adam and Eve were through Christ! We are re-created through faith into New Adams and Eves! Every day we walk with our Father!

What a blessing!

God created the world with His Word in 

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