As fall arrives and leaves fall from the trees, we're going to look at and listen for the sound of Ll and play with leaves!
Our KDI for the week is the Natural and Physical World- Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world. We will look at leaves and see what colors they are and where the veins are in our leaves and hopefully find some still bursting with chlorophyll.
Table Activities- Table activities this week include making leaf prints, cutting leaves, a leaf sensory bin, painting on leaf shapes made of color diffusing paper, making sticky leaves, playdough leaves and leaf rubbings.
Small Group Activities- Our small group activities for the week include making a "Leafman", hunting for and sorting leaves, adding Ll is for leaf to our journal and making a leaf collage.
Large Group Activities- Large group activities this week include a leaf toss, a leaf hunt in the field, pounding a leaf, parachutes and leaves and an outside sticky wall.
Books of the week- "Leafman" and "Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf" both by Lois Ehlert and "We're Going on a Leaf Hunt" by Steve Metzger.
Bible Time- Our story this week is about David and Goliath. Last week we heard about Samuel and when he grew up he would be the last judge of Israel. Israel decided they wanted a king, just like the other nations around them. The king they chose was Saul. Saul was a tall, king-looking man, but that did not make him a great king! The Israelites were at war with a people called the Philistines. At the time of our story, the Israelites were camped on a hill on one side of a valley and the Philistines were camped on the hill on the other side. Several times a day, the Philistine's champion, a giant named Goliath, would come and challenge the Israelite army to send someone to fight him. He was over 9 feet tall and a seasoned warrior. Goliath mocked the Israelites' God and made fun of them and God! David was a shepherd who had already been chosen by God to be the next king of Israel. He was still a boy and his older brothers were part of the Israelite army. David's father, Jesse, had sent him to bring them supplies. When David arrived at the encampment, Goliath happened to be in the valley mocking God and daring someone to come fight him. The Israelites were all hiding in their tents. David could not believe his ears!! No one was fighting this God-mocker??!! No one was standing up to him!? David volunteered to fight him! Saul, the king, called David to his tent and encouraged him to put on his armor to be protected (maybe to make it look like Saul was doing the fighting) David refused, the armor was so heavy, he couldn't even move! David went up against Goliath in the same way he fought against the lions and bears who came to attack his sheep. He took 5 smooth stones and his sling shot and went to meet Goliath in the valley. Goliath laughed when he saw David- "Am I a dog that you come after me with sticks?" David proclaimed , "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the LORD will hand you over to me, and I'll strike you down and cut off your head.
And David took one stone, put it in his sling and struck the giant in the head and down Goliath fell!
At that point, the Philistines began to run! The Israelites chased after them and defeated them. God had secured the victory for the Israelites through a boy named David!
God has secured our victory too, through his son, Jesus, who defeated death and sin for us on the cross!!
Here are some pictures from pumpkin week-