Our KDI for the week is- Predicting- Children predict what they expect will happen. We will predict what the summer sun will melt when we put it outside. We'll do lots of predicting practice this week!
Table Activities- This week we for our table activities we will have a sunny sensory bin, decorate paper popsicles, invite to create a paper sun, make a sun suncatcher, make a sun visor and practice our scissor cutting skills by coloring and cutting a paper plate sun.
Small Group- This week we will use special paper to make a sunprint, look and see what solar beads do when we use them in a necklace, add "Ss is for summer sun" to our journal and predict what we think will melt in the sun.
Large Group- This week we are dancing in sunglasses, going on a nature scavenger hunt and investigating our predictions on melting.
Books of the Week- "I See Summer" by Charles Ghigna and "Harry By the Sea" by Gene Zion.
Bible Story- This week we are hearing about Noah and the flood. Many years passed after Adam and Eve, they disobeyed God and ate from the tree in the center of the garden. Things just got worse after that, their own son killed his brother, people began to listen to God less and less, they did whatever they wanted to do. They did evil, stole from others, killed others until there was only one family left that loved and obeyed God. That was Noah and his wife, their three sons and their wives. God commanded Noah to build a great ark to save his family and animals. Noah followed the directions God gave him. It took him over 100 years to build the ark. People mocked him, he witnessed to them. Finally, God sent at least two of every animal to enter the ark that Noah had built and closed Noah and his family in. Then it began to rain! It rained for 40 days and nights until the whole earth was covered by water. God kept Noah and his family safe. The rain remained on the earth for 150 days. Finally, the waters began to recede and the ark came to rest on top of a mountain. The door opened and the animals and Noah's family came out of the ark. God placed a rainbow in the sky as a sign of the promise that he would never flood the earth and destroy it again. God keeps this promise to this day. He keeps us safe spiritually! May we be comforted that God is always with us and will always save us.
Have a super sunny summer week!
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