Saturday, August 28, 2021

Ss is for summer sun.


 This week's theme is summer sun. We are going to do many sunny activities and look and listen to the letter Ss. 

Our KDI for the week is- Predicting- Children predict what they expect will happen. We will predict what the summer sun will melt when we put it outside. We'll do lots of predicting practice this week!

Table Activities- This week we for our table activities we will have a sunny sensory bin, decorate paper popsicles, invite to create a paper sun, make a sun suncatcher, make a sun visor and practice our scissor cutting skills by coloring and cutting a paper plate sun.

Small Group-    This week we will use special paper to make a sunprint, look and see what solar beads do when we use them in a necklace, add "Ss is for summer sun" to our journal and predict what we think will melt in the sun.

Large Group- This week we are dancing in sunglasses, going on a nature scavenger hunt and investigating our predictions on melting.

Books of the Week- "I See Summer" by Charles Ghigna and "Harry By the Sea" by Gene Zion.

Bible Story- This week we are hearing about Noah and the flood. Many years passed after Adam and Eve, they disobeyed God and ate from the tree in the center of the garden. Things just got worse after that, their own son killed his brother, people began to listen to God less and less, they did whatever they wanted to do. They did evil, stole from others, killed others until there was only one family left that loved and obeyed God. That was Noah and his wife, their three sons and their wives. God commanded Noah to build a great ark to save his family and animals. Noah followed the directions God gave him. It took him over 100 years to build the ark. People mocked him, he witnessed to them. Finally, God sent at least two of every animal to enter the ark that Noah had built and closed Noah and his family in. Then it began to rain! It rained for 40 days and nights until the whole earth was covered by water. God kept Noah and his family safe. The rain remained on the earth for 150 days. Finally, the waters began to recede and the ark came to rest on top of a mountain. The door opened and the animals and Noah's family came out of the ark. God placed a rainbow in the sky as a sign of the promise that he would never flood the earth and destroy it again. God keeps this promise to this day. He keeps us safe spiritually! May we be comforted that God is always with us and will always save us.

Have a super sunny summer week!

Some pictures from our first week-

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Mm is for marshmallows!


Welcome to the first week of preschool! We are so excited to learn and grow with you and have a super year!!

We will see everyone on Tuesday, August 24th! We have chapel in the morning, so AM session will go for that day. We will sit as a class. It will be a warm one this week, so if you are able to pack an extra water bottle for your kiddos, that would be a good idea and apply some sunscreen before they come to school. We will be sure to take inside, cool down breaks so we don't overheat.

This week we are listening and looking for the letter Mm and to help us with that we are playing and working with marshmallows!

Our KDI of the week is Patterns- Children identify, describe, copy, complete and create patterns. We will use our marshmallows to create patterns with colors, shapes and sizes. We will also use our 5 senses to describe marshmallows!

Table Time- Our table time activities will be playing and building with marshmallows and toothpicks, sorting marshmallows by color, painting with marshmallows, counting marshmallows, playing with marshmallows and experimenting to see what happens when you freeze a marshmallow or put it in water or draw or paint on it.

Small Group- This week we are going to make marshmallow patterns, add an Mm is for marshmallow page to our journal and make and enjoy a smore!

Large Group- This week we'll take our hand at tossing and dancing with marshmallows and continue eating our smore by a pretend campfire.

Books of the Week- "Most Marshmallows" by Rowboat Watkins and we will self author a book in each class describing how a marshmallow looks, feels, sounds, smells and tastes.

Bible Story- Our Bible Story this week is the story of creation. We believe that God created the world in 6 24 hour days. Each day he created things with just His Word. On day one, God created light and darkness, he called the light day and the darkness night. On day two God separated the water below from the water above. On day three God separated the water and the land on earth and created all sorts of plants to grow and fill the land. On day four, God created the sun, moon and stars and everything else in space. On day five, God created birds and bugs to fill the air and fish and marine mammals to fill the water. On day six, God created all the animals that live on dry land and he created man and woman. Everything that God had created so far, he had spoken and it came to be. For man and woman, he created them in His own image. He formed man out of the dust of the ground and breathed into him the breath of life. He took man to observe everything else that he had created. He gave him the rules he was to live by- not eating from two trees that God had planted in the middle of the garden where the man was to live. The man's name was Adam. Adam had a very busy first day, he named all the animals and birds, but found no one to be his companion. God put Adam into a deep sleep and took his rib and created woman. Her name was Eve. God made both Adam and Eve in His image. He gave them the responsibility of taking care of the things he had created and gave them the opportunity to show their love by obeying Him and not eating of the two trees in the middle of the garden. God saw that everything he had created was very good and on the seventh day, he rested or stopped creating. 

For a lot of people, this alone is where they say, no way, this can't be true. The world took millions of years to be created!! There are so many questions. Why did God give them the trees if he knew they wouldn't obey? How did the devil come to be? Some questions I have answers to, some I don't, but I do know that Jesus came and died to paid for my sins and since that is true, the rest is true too. God has worked faith in my heart to believe it. Without faith, it's impossible to believe or understand. Looking at the work that God has done in the world, I say with the psalmist, "The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands." Everywhere I look, even in this crazy, messed up world, I still see God and his goodness and love. I pray that through out this year we will witness it every day! If you have questions about creation, I won't be able to answer them all, but I will try to help with what I do know and others who know more than I do!